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Can I make a Julia package containing multiple modules that can be independently imported?

One of the projects I'm collaborating on has four different modules (Foo, Bar, Baz, and Plotting) and I've been tasked with combining them into a package. It is simple enough in Julia to make a new package:

julia> Pkg.generate("MyPackage", "MIT")

I copied my modules into the ~/.julia/v0.3/MyPackage/src/ and added include statements to MyPackage.jl. It looks something like this:

module MyPackage



Each included file contains the corresponding module.

My main problem with this is Plotting takes forever to import and it's not needed very often when we're using the rest of MyPackage. I'd really like to be able to do something like using MyPackage.Foo to just get Foo (and particularly to exclude the Plotting and its slow import time). I've tried a couple different approaches for how I structure things, including having sub-modules explicitly defined inside MyPackage.jl instead of in each file individually, but no matter what I try, I always get the loading lag from Plotting.

Is it possible build a package so you can independently load modules from it? and if so, how?

Note: I'm new to Julia and newer still to building packages. Sorry if any of my semantics are wrong or anything is unclear.

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harts12 Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 14:06


People also ask

What is the difference between import and using in Julia?

My guess based on reading the docs: using is used to bring another module into the name-space of the current module. import is used to bring specific types/functions/variables from other modules into the name-space of the current module.

Where does Julia look for modules?

Julia looks for module files in directories defined in the LOAD_PATH variable. And, since you don't want to do this every single time you run Julia, put this line into your startup file ~/. julia/config/startup. jl , which runs each time you start an interactive Julia session.

2 Answers

Try Requires.jl:

Requires is a Julia package that will magically make loading packages faster, maybe. It supports specifying glue code in packages which will load automatically when a another package is loaded, so that explicit dependencies (and long load times) can be avoided.

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Isaiah Norton Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 22:09

Isaiah Norton

Is it possible build a package so you can independently load modules from it? and if so, how?

Following the advice of this comment has worked for me: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/multiple-modules-in-single-package/5615/7?u=nhdaly

You can change the top-level package-named Module to simply just expose the other four Modules as follows:

# <julia_home>/MyPackage/src/MyPackage.jl
module MyPackage
push!(LOAD_PATH, @__DIR__) # expose all other modules defined in this directory.

Then to import the other modules, say Bar, the user code would do:

# code.jl
using MyPackage; using Foo;

But it's worth noting that, then, Foo, Bar, Baz and Plotting are all also treated as top-level modules, so you'll want to make their names unique so they don't conflict with other Packages/Modules. (ie somethig like MyPackageFoo, not Foo.)

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NHDaly Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
