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can I import JSON data into database with my rails application?

I have one rails application. I have got JSON data via Ajax call, and now I want to import my JSON data into application database. How can I archive this? Can any one help me? Thanks in advance.

My application has a Task model, and User model. User has many tasks, and Task belongs to a user. After user log in, I will make an Ajax call (jQuery getJSON) get JSON data from another service provider. I want to import JSON data into database as tasks.

----Add Sample Json Data----

   "server_time":"2010-12-22 15:27:04 +0800",
         "created":"2010-12-14 14:50:24 +0800",
         "start_at":"2010-12-14 00:00:00 +0800",
         "updated":"2010-12-14 14:50:24 +0800",
         "created":"2010-12-15 16:12:24 +0800",
         "updated":"2010-12-15 16:12:24 +0800",
         "all_day":true ,
         "created":"2010-12-15 18:29:27 +0800",
         "start_at":"2010-12-17 00:00:00 +0800",
         "title":"after day",
         "updated":"2010-12-15 18:29:27 +0800",
like image 349
Daniel Chen Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 03:12

Daniel Chen

1 Answers

If you don't already have the JSON gem, you can install it via command line:

gem install json

That will allow you to parse the JSON into its equivalent Ruby data structures.

If the JSON already matches your model, you just need to do something like:

new_record = Model.new(JSON.parse(json_string_from_external_service)) 

If it does not already match your model, you can do:

a_hash = JSON.parse(json_string_from_external_service)

Then you just copy over your attributes and save:

new_record = Model.new
new_record.attribute_1 = a_hash['key_for_attribute_1']
... etc ...
like image 57
Sammy Larbi Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 07:01

Sammy Larbi