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Can I have multiple functions in my AngularJS Factory?

I'm following the Tutorial from the official AngularJS docs and I want to know if I can add another function to the Phone factory so that I can organize code better. They have declared a "query" function, but what if I wanted to add a query2 function that references a different url...say phones2/:phoneName.json for example?

Factory declaration:

var phonecatServices = angular.module('phonecatServices', ['ngResource']);

phonecatServices.factory('Phone', ['$resource',
    return $resource('phones/:phoneId.json', {}, {
      query: {method:'GET', params:{phoneId:'phones'}, isArray:true}

I have tried a number of things and non of them seem to be working :s

This answer seems to be on the right track, but the syntax for each factory function doesn't quite match up with the above factory.

Something along the lines of:

phonecatServices.factory('Phone', ['$resource',
       return {
        query: ...
        query2: ...
like image 835
SomethingOn Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 05:02


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AngularJS Factory Method makes the development process of AngularJS application more robust. A factory is a simple function which allows us to add some logic to a created object and return the created object. The factory is also used to create/return a function in the form of reusable code which can be used anywhere within the application.

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2 Answers

One such example of this is: Link for Demo

angular.module('services', []).factory('factoryName', ["$filter",
  function($filter) {
    var method1Logic = function(args) {
    var method2Logic = function(args) {
    return {
      method1: method1Logic,
      method2: method1Logic
]).controller('MainController', ["$scope", "$rootScope", "$filter", "factoryName", function ($scope, $rootScope, $filter,factoryName) {
     $scope.testMethod1 = function(arg){
       $scope.val1 = factoryName.method1(arg);

     $scope.testMethod2 = function(arg){
       $scope.val2 = factoryName.method2(arg);

There is even a better version Opinionated version of this: References

function AnotherService () {

  var AnotherService = {};

  AnotherService.someValue = '';

  AnotherService.someMethod = function () {


  return AnotherService;
  .factory('AnotherService', AnotherService);
like image 120
Abhijeet Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09


This is the service code:

myServices.factory('Auth', ['$resource',
    return {
      Login: $resource(serviceURL + 'login', {}, { go: { method:'POST', isArray: false }}),
      Logout: $resource(serviceURL + 'logout', {}, { go: { method:'POST', isArray: false }}),
      Register: $resource(serviceURL + 'register', {}, { go: { method:'POST', isArray: false }}),

And from my controller I just have to add the go() function call to make it work:

Auth.Login.go({ username: $scope.username, password: $scope.password },

I guess I could have named the go function after the method and called it "post()" instead for clarity...

like image 43
SomethingOn Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09
