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Fill pdf form with javascript (client-side only)

I need to fill a pdf form automatically in my angularjs webapp. The pdf form is generated outside the app so I can configure it as I want.

In my app, I just need to load the pdf, modify the form fields and flatten the file so it doesn't look like a form anymore.

Do you know any way to do it?

Edit: I've found iText but it's a java library which won't work for my project (the app runs on tablets so I'm looking for something 100% HTML5)

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ncohen Avatar asked Jul 24 '14 21:07


People also ask

How do I fill out a PDF form without software?

Step 1: Head to PDFescape and click Start Using Unregistered in the upper-left corner. Step 2: Click Continue to PDFescape, then Upload PDF to PDFescape. Click Choose File, navigate to the local folder containing your PDF, select it and then click Upload. Step 3: In short order you should see the PDF.

Can you automate PDF form filling?

Solution. Yes, we can fill PDF forms automatically and generate PDF files from them. With an on-premises version of SharePoint and custom development, many of us have used iTextSharp DLLs to read and generate PDF files. There are multiple options available in office 365 as well.

How do I fill out an interactive PDF form?

Fill in flat forms in a browserSave the form on your computer, and then open it directly in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. For instructions, see Fill out your PDF form. Save form, open in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, and then choose Tools > Fill & Sign.

3 Answers

There is now another solution that worked for me.
It's this JS package: https://github.com/phihag/pdfform.js
Also available on NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pdfform.js

If you have troubles opening your PDF files, the best bet is to use the mozilla's PDF.js library which works with every PDF files I tried.
The only drawback as of today is that it's not working as expected with webpack. You have to import the JS files with a script tag.

like image 93
Letik Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10


I've found a solution...not perfect but it should fit most requirements. It doesn't use any server (perfect for privacy requirements) or library! First of all, the PDF must be version 1.5 (Acrobat 6.0 or later). The original pdf can be another version but when you create the fields you must save it as compatible for Acrobat 6.0 or later. If you want to make sure the format is right, you can check there

So let's say I have 'myform.pdf' file (with no form fields); I open it with Acrobat Pro (I have Acrobat Pro 11 but it should work with other versions). I add fields and pre-fill the field's value (not the field name!) with a 'code' (unique text string). This code will be find/replace with the string you want by the javascript function below so let say '%address%' (you can add multiple fields but use a different code to differenciate fields). If you want to have a flatten look of the field, set the field to read-only. To save it, go to File -> Save as other... -> Optimized PDF and choose "Acrobat 6.0 and later" under Make compatible with (top right of the pop-up).

Once you have your file saved, you can check that the format is right by opening it in a text editor and looking for your codes (in my case '%address%'). Count number of occurences, it should appear three times.

The following function does three things: - Changes the fields content - Recalculate the content's length - Fix the cross reference tables

So now the function (look at the end for the final pdf blob):

@param certificate: your pdf form (format of this variable must be compatible with FileReader)

@param changes: the field changes, [{find: '%address%', replace: '2386 5th Street, New York, USA'}, ...]

// Works only for PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6.0 and later)
    var fillCertificate = function (certificate, changes) {

        // replace a a substring at a specific position
        String.prototype.replaceBetween = function(start, end, what) {
            return this.substring(0, start) + what + this.substring(end);
        // format number with zeros at the beginning (n is the number and length is the total length)
        var addLeadingZeros = function (n, length) {
            var str = (n > 0 ? n : -n) + "";
            var zeros = "";
            for (var i = length - str.length; i > 0; i--)
                zeros += "0";
            zeros += str;
            return n >= 0 ? zeros : "-" + zeros;

        // Create the reader first and read the file (call after the onload method)
        var reader = new FileReader();
        // To change the content of a field, three things must be done; - change the text of the field, - change the length of the content field, - change the cross table reference
        reader.onload = function(aEvent) {
            var string = aEvent.target.result;

            // Let's first change the content and the content's length
            var arrayDiff = [];
            var char;
            for(var foo = 0; foo < changes.length; foo++) {
                // Divide the string into a table of character for finding indices
                char = new Array(string.length);
                for (var int = 0; int < string.length; int++) {
                    char[int] = string.charAt(int);
                // Let's find the content's field to change and change it everywhere
                var find = changes[foo].find;
                var replace = changes[foo].replace;
                var lengthDiff = replace.length - find.length;
                var search = new RegExp(find, "g");

                var match;
                var lastElements = [];
                var int = 0;
                var objectLenPos;
                var objectLenEnd;
                // Each time you change the content, compute the offset difference (number of characters). We'll add it later for the cross tables
                while (match = search.exec(string)) {
                    arrayDiff.push({index: match.index, diff: lengthDiff});
                    lastElements.push({index: match.index, diff: lengthDiff});
                    // Find length object
                    if(int == 0){
                        var length = 0;
                        var index;
                        while(char[match.index - length] != '\r'){
                            index = match.index - length;
                        objectLenPos = index + 10;
                        length = 0;
                        while(char[objectLenPos + length] != ' '){
                            objectLenEnd = objectLenPos + length;
                var lengthObject = string.slice(objectLenPos, objectLenEnd) + ' 0 obj';

                var objectPositionStart = string.search(new RegExp('\\D' + lengthObject, 'g')) + lengthObject.toString().length + 2;
                var length = 0;
                var objectPositionEnd;
                while(char[objectPositionStart + length] != '\r'){
                    objectPositionEnd = objectPositionStart + length;

                // Change the length of the content's field

                var lengthString = new RegExp('Length ', "g");
                var fieldLength;
                var newLength;

                string = string.replace(lengthString, function (match, int) {
                    // The length is between the two positions calculated above
                    if (int > objectPositionStart && int < objectPositionEnd) {
                        var length = 0;
                        var end;
                        while (char[int + 7 + length] != '/') {
                            end = int + 7 + length;
                        fieldLength = string.slice(end - length, end);
                        newLength = parseInt(fieldLength) + lengthDiff;

                        if (fieldLength.length != newLength.toString().length) {
                            arrayDiff.push({index: int, diff: (newLength.toString().length - fieldLength.length)});
                        // Let's modify the length so it's easy to find and replace what interests us; the length number itself
                        return "Length%";
                    return match;

                // Replace the length with the new one based on the length difference
                string = string.replace('Length%' + fieldLength, 'Length ' + (newLength).toString());
                string = string.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);

            // FIND xref and repair cross tables
            // Rebuild the table of character
            var char = new Array(string.length);
            for (var int = 0; int < string.length; int++) {
                char[int] = string.charAt(int);
            // Find XRefStm (cross reference streams)
            var regex = /XRefStm/g, result, indices = [];
            while ( (result = regex.exec(string)) ) {
            // Get the position of the stream
            var xrefstmPositions = [];
            for(var int = 0; int < indices.length; int++){
                var start;
                var length = 0;
                while(char[indices[int] - 2 - length] != ' '){
                    start = indices[int] - 2 - length;
                var index = parseInt(string.slice(start, start + length));
                var tempIndex = parseInt(string.slice(start, start + length));
                // Add the offset (consequence of the content changes) to the index
                for(var num = 0; num < arrayDiff.length; num++){
                    if(index > arrayDiff[num].index){
                        index = index + arrayDiff[num].diff;
                string = string.replaceBetween(start, start + length, index);
                // If there is a difference in the string length then update what needs to be updated
                if(tempIndex.toString().length != index.toString().length){
                    arrayDiff.push({index: start, diff: (index.toString().length - tempIndex.toString().length)});
                    char = new Array(string.length);
                    for (var int = 0; int < string.length; int++) {
                        char[int] = string.charAt(int);

            // Do the same for non-stream
            var regex = /startxref/g, result, indices = [];
            while ( (result = regex.exec(string)) ) {
            for(var int = 0; int < indices.length; int++){
                var end;
                var length = 0;
                while(char[indices[int] + 11 + length] != '\r'){
                    end = indices[int] + 11 + length;
                var index = parseInt(string.slice(end - length, end));
                var tempIndex = parseInt(string.slice(end - length, end));

                for(var num = 0; num < arrayDiff.length; num++){
                    if(index > arrayDiff[num].index){
                        index = index + arrayDiff[num].diff;
                string = string.replaceBetween(end - length, end, index);

                if(tempIndex.toString().length != index.toString().length){
                    arrayDiff.push({index: end - length, diff: (index.toString().length - tempIndex.toString().length)});
                    char = new Array(string.length);
                    for (var int = 0; int < string.length; int++) {
                        char[int] = string.charAt(int);

            var firstObject, objectLength, end;
            var offset;
            // Updated the cross tables
            for(var int = 0; int < xrefstmPositions.length; int++) {
                var length = 0;
                var end;
                if(char[xrefstmPositions[int]] == 'x'){
                    offset = 6;
                } else{
                    offset = 0;
                // Get first object index (read pdf documentation)
                while(char[xrefstmPositions[int] + offset + length] != ' '){
                    end = xrefstmPositions[int] + offset + length;
                firstObject = string.slice(end - length, end);

                // Get length of objects (read pdf documentation)
                length = 0;
                while(char[xrefstmPositions[int] + offset + 1 + firstObject.length + length] != '\r'){
                    end = xrefstmPositions[int] + offset + 1 + firstObject.length + length;
                objectLength = string.slice(end - length, end);

                // Replace the offset by adding the differences from the content's field
                for(var num = 0; num < objectLength; num++){
                    if(char[xrefstmPositions[int]] == 'x'){
                        offset = 9;
                    } else{
                        offset = 3;
                    // Check if it's an available object
                    if (char[xrefstmPositions[int] + 17 + offset + firstObject.length + objectLength.length + (num * 20)] == 'n') {
                        var objectCall = (parseInt(firstObject) + num).toString() + " 0 obj";
                        var regexp = new RegExp('\\D' + objectCall, "g");
                        var m;
                        var lastIndexOf;
                        // Get the last index in case an object is created more than once. (not very accurate and can be improved)
                        while (m = regexp.exec(string)) {
                            lastIndexOf = m.index;
                        string = string.replaceBetween(xrefstmPositions[int] + offset + firstObject.length + objectLength.length + (num * 20), xrefstmPositions[int] + 10 + offset + firstObject.length + objectLength.length + (num * 20), addLeadingZeros(lastIndexOf + 1, 10));
                    if(num == objectLength - 1){
                        if (char[xrefstmPositions[int] + offset + firstObject.length + objectLength.length + ((num + 1) * 20)] != 't'){
                            xrefstmPositions.push(xrefstmPositions[int] + offset + firstObject.length + objectLength.length + ((num + 1) * 20));

            // create a blob from the string
            var byteNumbers = new Array(string.length);
            for (var int = 0; int < string.length; int++) {
                byteNumbers[int] = string.charCodeAt(int);

            var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);

            var blob = new Blob([byteArray], {type : 'application/pdf'});

// Do whatever you want with the blob here




So the code is not clean at all but it works :)

Let me know if you have any question

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ncohen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10


pdf-lib was the best choice for me. Look, after trying many random solutions I found this lib that's very very simple to implement and, off-topic, has a great TS support (nowadays it means a lot 😬).

Fill form official example: https://pdf-lib.js.org/#fill-form

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davidsonsns Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
