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Can I have Hibernate create an object through factory method?

Is there a way to map a factory method in Hibernate (as opposed to having Hibernate call a default constructor and reflectively set properties or fields)?

And if it can't be mapped, does Hibernate provide a hook for custom object creation on a class by class basis?


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Brian Kent Avatar asked Jun 05 '09 00:06

Brian Kent

2 Answers

This is doable using either:

  • a custom EntityPersister implementation (that you can register for a particular entity during Hibernate initialization using a custom Configuration) ~or~
  • a custom Interceptor implementing the Interceptor.instantiate() method

I think the Interceptor approach is easier. Here is the javadoc of the Interceptor.instantiate():

 * Instantiate the entity class. Return <tt>null</tt> to indicate that Hibernate should use
 * the default constructor of the class. The identifier property of the returned instance
 * should be initialized with the given identifier.
 * @param entityName the name of the entity
 * @param entityMode The type of entity instance to be returned.
 * @param id the identifier of the new instance
 * @return an instance of the class, or <tt>null</tt> to choose default behaviour
public Object instantiate(String entityName, EntityMode entityMode, Serializable id) throws CallbackException;
like image 154
Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Pascal Thivent

Take a look at UserType. You'd need to call your factory in nullSafeGet() and populate all the fields yourself though. Reverse work is done in nullSafeSet().

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Vladimir Dyuzhev Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10

Vladimir Dyuzhev