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Can I have a View as input to a data binding BindingAdapter on Android?

I want to establish a relationship between a ProgressBar and a WebView Something like this in XML:



With this code I can create a BindingAdapter to do the wiring like this:

public static void setAttachedProgressBar(WebView webView, @IdRes int progressBarId) {        
        ProgressBar progBar = (ProgressBar) DataBindingUtil.getBinding(webView).getRoot().findViewById(progressBarId);
        wireStuff(webView, progBar); 

This works, but it irks me that I have to call findViewById. Is there any way I can refactor the XML and the BindingAdapter to take a direct reference to the ProgressBar as input instead of the @IdRes int ?

like image 879
Nilzor Avatar asked Nov 03 '16 11:11


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1 Answers

Instead of id, directly pass ProgressBar in your BindingAdapter

public static void setAttachedProgressBar(WebView webView, ProgressBar progBar) {        
    wireStuff(webView, progBar); 

XML code :


like image 108
Ravi Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09
