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Can I have a Django form without Model

Can I have a Form in my template which is not backed by a model. I do not need to store the data just need that data to generate a POST request of my own in the view.

Template - The form with text fields. View - get data from form, and generate another request.

Flow --> Form submit takes to a url which calls the view "

def form_handle(request):     if request.method=='POST'     form = request.POST      #blah blah encode parameters for a url blah blah      #and make another post request 

but this puts only the csrf token into the form variable. Is there some way I can access those text fields of the template in my form_handle view?

I know how to do it with a model but couldn't figure this out!

like image 799
AdRoiT Avatar asked Jul 19 '13 19:07


People also ask

What is the difference between models and forms in Django?

The main difference between the two is that in forms that are created from forms. ModelForm , we have to declare which model will be used to create our form. In our Article Form above we have this line " model = models. Article " which basically means we are going to use Article model to create our form.

Why do we need models in Django?

Django web applications access and manage data through Python objects referred to as models. Models define the structure of stored data, including the field types and possibly also their maximum size, default values, selection list options, help text for documentation, label text for forms, etc.

How do I create a form in Django?

Creating a form in Django is completely similar to creating a model, one needs to specify what fields would exist in the form and of what type. For example, to input, a registration form one might need First Name (CharField), Roll Number (IntegerField), and so on.

Should I use Django form or HTML form?

If you are using django to develop your website, I think it is best to only use django-forms since they have built in validation and can easily be linked with your models. You also will have consistent formatting and don't need to type out the html every time.

1 Answers

Yes. This is very much possible. You can read up on Form objects. It would be the same way you would treat a ModelForm, except that you are not bound by the model, and you have to explicitly declare all the form attributes.

def form_handle(request):     form = MyForm()     if request.method=='POST':         form = MyForm(request.POST)         if form.is_valid():             cd = form.cleaned_data             #now in the object cd, you have the form as a dictionary.             a = cd.get('a')      #blah blah encode parameters for a url blah blah      #and make another post request     #edit : added ": "  after    if request.method=='POST' 


class MyForm(forms.Form): #Note that it is not inheriting from forms.ModelForm     a = forms.CharField(max_length=20)     #All my attributes here 

In the template:

<form action="{% url form_handle %}" method="POST">{% csrf_token %}     {{form.as_p}}     <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form> 
like image 53
karthikr Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10
