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Can I enter formula in the column for MySQL database?

I wonder if the above can operate the column like the excel.

eg. same row. column 1 : A, column 2 : b, column 3 : A + b.

like image 808
King Avatar asked Aug 22 '10 11:08


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1 Answers

You can't have columns that automatically contain some neighbouring cell's value or do some calculations with it.

However, in a mySQL query, you can do all the things Excel can, and much much more.

For example, to get the sum of two int fields:

SELECT column_a, column_b, (column_a + column_b) as total FROM tablename

However, looking at your other questions, I'm not sure whether mySQL is really what you are looking for. It sounds to me like you need an application just like Excel.

like image 190
Pekka Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09
