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Laravel Fluent add select()s in separate places?

//Earlier in the code, in each Model:
query = ModelName::select('table_name.*')

//Later in the code in a function in a Trait class that is always called

    if ($column == 'group_by')
        $thing_query->select(DB::raw('COUNT('.$value.') as count'));

Is there a way to append or include a separate select function in the eloquent query builder?

The actual ->select() is set earlier and then this function is called. I'd like to add the count column conditionally in this later function that has the query passed into it.

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Damon Avatar asked Jun 24 '13 20:06


1 Answers

For future reference, you can use the addSelect() function.

It would be good to have in the documentation, but you'll find it here in the API: http://laravel.com/api/4.2/Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.html#method_addSelect

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Cameron Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 12:11
