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Can I "browse" members of a struct to simplify building a BDD class?





I am building a custom BDD class to store different types of data (e.g., long, char*, double, …) for my program.

In order to store the data, I need a struct for each table, like this:

struct MYSTRUCT0
    char variable0[10];
    char variable1[70];
struct MYSTRUCT1
    long variable0;
    long variable1;
    char variable2[6];
    double variable3;

But it's much work each time I need a new table, because I need to write a function to save each table in a file, to read it, etc. Worse, it's not really object-oriented.

So my question is, is there a way to "browse" the struct to simplify my code? Something like this:

for(int v=0; v<arraysize; v++)
for(int i=0; i<MYSTRUC0.length; i++)
    if (MYSTRUCT.getvar(i).type == long)

    if (MYSTRUCT.getvar(i).type == char*)

I know it's possible for code like this to work directly in C++. I just use it to illustrate what I mean.

like image 545
Entretoize Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 00:10


1 Answers

Below code is just an example of how you can make your own "variable-type-aware" struct that maybe what you want:

#include <vector>

enum MyTypes
} myTypes;

struct MyStruct
    MyStruct(long longVar)
        variable.longVar = longVar;
        whichType = LONG;

    MyStruct(char* charPtr)
        variable.charPtr = charPtr;
        whichType = CHARPTR;

    MyStruct(double var)
        variable.var = var;
        whichType = DOUBLE;


    MyTypes whichType;
    union {
        long longVar;
        char* charPtr;
        double var;
    } variable;

void DoSomethingForLong(MyStruct* doubleStruct)
    /*Do something specific to long*/

void DoSomethingForCharPtr(MyStruct* doubleStruct)
    /*Do something specific to char pointer*/

void DoSomethingForDouble(MyStruct* doubleStruct)
    /*Do something specific to double*/

int main()
    std::vector<MyStruct*> myVec;

    // add a struct with long variable
    long longVar = 2000000000;
    MyStruct* myLongStruct = new MyStruct(longVar);

    // add a struct with char pointer
    char* charArray = new char[1000];
    MyStruct* myCharPtrStruct = new MyStruct(charArray);

    // add a struct with double variable
    double doubleVar = 200.200;
    MyStruct* myDoubleStruct = new MyStruct(doubleVar);

    for (int i = 0; i < myVec.size(); ++i)
        MyStruct* tempStruct = myVec[i];
        if (tempStruct->whichType == LONG)
        else if (tempStruct->whichType == CHARPTR)
        else if (tempStruct->whichType == DOUBLE)

    if (myLongStruct)
        delete myLongStruct;
        myLongStruct = nullptr;

    if (myCharPtrStruct)
        if (charArray)
            delete[] charArray;
            charArray = nullptr;

        delete myCharPtrStruct;
        myCharPtrStruct = nullptr;

    if (myDoubleStruct)
        delete myDoubleStruct;
        myDoubleStruct  = nullptr;
like image 58
Griffin Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 00:11
