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History of multiple instances of QFileDialog

I am using QT in my C++ application. I know that when I use QFileDialog, the history is saved in the registry. Suppose I have multiple instances of QFileDialog within the application. Can I save the history for each instance separately? As far as I checked, it seems that same registry entry is updated for each instance.

like image 984
Jackzz Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 00:10


1 Answers

You could use different QSettings entry for each QFileDialog instance, with that you manage your history lenght and location.

something like that

void callFileDialog(QLinkedList<QString> & fileDialogHistory)
    QString fileName =  QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(Q_NULLPTR, "Open File", 
        fileDialogHistory << fileName;

void saveFileDialogHistory(QLinkedList<QString> & fileDialogHistory, QString 
fileDialogHistoryName = "History_Default")
    QSettings settings;
    int index = 0;
    for (QLinkedList<QString>::iterator it = fileDialogHistory.begin(); it != fileDialogHistory.end(); ++it){
        settings.setValue("filePath", QFileInfo(*it).filePath());
like image 107
Bastien Thonnat Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 15:11

Bastien Thonnat