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Can firebase be used as a database in China now



I am now developing a social application. But recently I noticed that Firebase is blocked in China. So I want to make sure whether firebase can be used in China?

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Lei Ding Avatar asked Mar 05 '17 07:03

Lei Ding

People also ask

Can I use Firebase as database?

The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you store and sync data between your users in realtime. NEW: Cloud Firestore enables you to store, sync and query app data at global scale.

Does FCM work in China?

FCM is not blocked by censorship. It works in Mainland China if a device has Google Play Service running. The reason that FCM doesn't work in Mainland China is that most Android Phones sold in Mainland China has nothing of Google Play Service.

Why you should not use Firebase?

Firebase caches data in memory, which slows down the processes over time. This is why you should not use Firebase if you plan to integrate microservices.

1 Answers

* EDIT 24 January 2020 *

Some of the information here might be out of date. Firebase has a China service at https://firebase.google.cn/ which is not blocked in the PRC. (Thanks to @c-an for bringing this up.) That said, *.google.com and *.googleapis.com are still blocked in China. I'll change/update this as I get more information.

Original Answer

For now Firebase is blocked and can't be used in China, along with other Google services, because the PRC has blocked all URIs with *.google.com and *.googleapis.com.

This also means, for example, that the Play app store can't be accessed from China. If you don't know what's going on between Google and the PRC, here's a primer.

Also, according to Chinese law, user data of Chinese citizens must be stored inside of the PRC. You might be able to get away with only addressing this once you have a significant number of users, but the trend has been for the CCP to crack down more and more on foreign information, even busting VPNs and declaring them illegal despite complaints of academics who say that they need, you know, real information.

As we're now in the run-up to the 19th Party Congress this autumn, we can expect the situation to get worse before it gets better. Maybe 2018 will leave room for relaxation?

For now, very sadly, forget anything Google in China, and be prepared to store user data of PRC citizens on servers located inside the Great Firewall. Also be prepared for seemingly random degradations of your service within China, or to be blocked altogether, along with these other blocked services.

Update 2017-11-23: The 19th Party Congress has come and gone and, if anything, Google services look less likely than ever to become available in China. The great firewall is likely to continue to be strengthened as the Chinese Communist Party extends its role into corporations, and foreign firms are generally disadvantaged.

Update 2018-08-05: Google plans to open a censored version of its search in China, according to leaked documents. It seems reasonable to assume that if a censored Google Search becomes available in the PRC, then Firebase and other Google Cloud products may as well. The censored search plan, code-named Dragonfly, has reportedly been in the works since December 2017, possibly a result of meetings that month between Google CEO Sundar Pichai and an unnamed top Chinese official when they met at the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, China, where PRC General Secretary and President Xi Jinping gave a speech.

Update 2018-12-23: It appears that Google's Project Dragonfly is now on hold if not outright abandoned. This implies that the outlook for Firebase in China has worsened.

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Mallory-Erik Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
