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How to upload a mapping file to Firebase Crashlytics?

In the old Crash reporting - there is easy way to upload. i didn't find it in the Crashlytics section

like image 486
itzhar Avatar asked Nov 14 '17 09:11


People also ask

How do I upload dSYM files to Firebase Crashlytics?

To manually upload your dSYMs, you can use the console-based "Drag and Drop" option to upload a zip archive containing your dSYM files (go to Firebase console > Crashlytics > dSYMs tab).

How do I upload a dSYM file?

Upload the dSYM File to AppDynamics Using the UIFrom the Mobile App menu, click Configuration. Click Mobile App Configuration >. From dSYM Mappings, click Upload dSYM package file for iOS crashes. From the XCode dSYM package upload dialog, click Choose File.

2 Answers

UPDATE: Firebase update their docs: see here

There is no need anymore to manually upload mapping file.

1 - To preserve the info Crashlytics needs for readable crash reports, add the following lines to your config file:

-keepattributes *Annotation* -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable -keep public class * extends java.lang.Exception 

2 - To let Crashlytics automatically upload the ProGuard or DexGuard mapping file, remove this line from the config file (app/proguard-rules.pro):

-printmapping mapping.txt 

For faster builds with ProGuard, exclude Crashlytics. Add the following lines to your config file:

-keep class com.crashlytics.** { *; } -dontwarn com.crashlytics.** 
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itzhar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09


Mike from Firebase here. Crashlytics in Firebase does not offer a way to upload mapping files outside of the build flow. I'm personally curious, did you use the manual upload frequently?

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Mike Bonnell Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Mike Bonnell