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Can Delphi VCL project be compiled to a browser plugin?

I have a Delphi VCL application which I'm using to show some pictures and I would like to know if there is any possibility to transform it into a browser plugin (like firefox, google chrome etc ) in order to load it remotely, like a java applet.

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user1296444 Avatar asked Mar 27 '12 19:03


1 Answers

for all of them the answer is NO. even for IE it is sometimes difficult...VCL applications means win32/64 development in general, browsers are more 'related' to web development. you can reconsider and try to resolve this by using an already existing platform which can be easily integrated into web browsers like Shockwave (yeah, I don't like to give links to wikipedia...) or another similar tool.

like image 118
RBA Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09