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Can data in a java text field be sent to jasper report without database interaction?

We are developing a desktop application in java using netbeans. we have installed the jasper reports for netbeans and are able to design the reports from the data in the database

There is a form which we want to print without storing the data in the database. Can we send the form data into jasper report?

Please explain

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Geeta Avatar asked Sep 13 '11 10:09


People also ask

What are datasources in Jasper Reports?

Datasources are structured data container. While generating the report, JasperReports engine obtains data from the datasources. Data can be obtained from the databases, XML files, arrays of objects, and collection of objects.

What is the use of JasperReports?

JasperReports is an open-source reporting library. It can create reports in various formats including PDF, HTML, XLS, or CSV. JasperReports creates page-oriented, ready-to-print documents. The noData section can be used in a report when the datasource is empty. When there is no data, JasperReports generates a blank page.

What is the nodata section in a Jasper report?

The noData section can be used in a report when the datasource is empty. When there is no data, JasperReports generates a blank page. To generate the noData section with empty datasource, we define the section in the report and set the whenNoDataType of the jasperReport tag to NoDataSection.

How do I sort a field in JasperReports?

Sort Fields. At the times when data sorting is required and the data source implementation doesn't support it (for e.g. CSV datasource), JasperReports supports in-memory field-based data source sorting. The sorting can be done using one or more <sortField> elements in the report template.

3 Answers

Yes. If it's just one value, you just have to set it in the parameters map of the report, and access it using $P{foo} (meaning the value is tored in the map, at the key "foo"). If it's a list of values you want to iterate on in the details band of the report, You may use a JRBeanCollectionDataSource.

You'll be able to access each property (throught its getter method) of the beans in the collection: $F{foo} will call your bean's getFoo() method to get the field value.

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JB Nizet Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

JB Nizet

  1. install IReport plugin in netbean IDE
  2. Create Java Project and then create JavaBean class in this project
  3. After clean and build project you to netbean menu Tool and go to Option after open option goto irepot tab and set classpath and add netbean JavaBean project Jar Path Like if create Project HelloBean mean that jar name HelloBean.jar u your hellobean.jar and add it in your ireport class path.
  4. after open your ireport you go!

check images here



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Faraz Ahmed Khokhar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Faraz Ahmed Khokhar


JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(jr, para, new JRemptyDataSource());

if you don't write new JRemptyDataSource() a message will appear that the document has no pages and inside your report create a field and in field expression put your parameter (the parameter name should have the same key value )

like image 43
user3299124 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09
