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Can C++11 tell if std::thread is active?

To my surprise, a C++11 std::thread object that has finished executing, but has not yet been joined is still considered an active thread of execution. This is illustrated in the following code example (built on Xubuntu 13.03 with g++ 4.7.3). Does anyone know if the C++11 standard provides a means to detect if a std::thread object is still actively running code?

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <functional>
int main() {
    auto lambdaThread = std::thread([](){std::cout<<"Excuting lambda thread"<<std::endl;});
    if(lambdaThread.joinable()) {
        std::cout<<"Lambda thread has exited but is still joinable"<<std::endl;
    return 0;
like image 568
Gearoid Murphy Avatar asked Aug 05 '13 17:08

Gearoid Murphy

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How do you identify a thread in C++?

Thread get_id() function in C++ Thread::get_id() is an in-built function in C++ std::thread. It is an observer function which means it observes a state and then returns the corresponding output. This function returns the value of std::thread::id thus identifying the thread associated with *this.

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4) The copy constructor is deleted; threads are not copyable. No two std::thread objects may represent the same thread of execution.

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The std::thread library is implemented on top of pthreads in an environment supporting pthreads (for example: libstdc++).

1 Answers

No, I don't think that this is possible. I would also try to think about your design and if such a check is really necessary, maybe you are looking for something like the interruptible threads from boost.

However, you can use std::async - which I would do anyway - and then rely on the features std::future provides you.

Namely, you can call std::future::wait_for with something like std::chrono::seconds(0). This gives you a zero-cost check and enables you to compare the std::future_status returned by wait_for.

auto f = std::async(foo);
auto status = f.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0));
if(status == std::future_status::timeout) {
    // still computing
else if(status == std::future_status::ready) {
    // finished computing
else {
    // There is still std::future_status::defered
like image 185
Stephan Dollberg Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10

Stephan Dollberg