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Can C++ compilers optimize "if" statements inside "for" loops?

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Do compilers optimize loops?

Compilers do this optimization every time they can, under the condition they can establish that the expression is loop invariant. In the case of variable operation , the situation is a bit more complex. The variable is loop invariant, but it determines the control flow inside the loop.

What factors are considered during the optimization of compiler?

In computing, an optimizing compiler is a compiler that tries to minimize or maximize some attributes of an executable computer program. Common requirements are to minimize a program's execution time, memory footprint, storage size, and power consumption (the last three being popular for portable computers).

Do compilers optimize code?

Compilers are free to optimize code so long as they can guarantee the semantics of the code are not changed.

Yes, if it is determined that flag doesn't change and can't be changed by do_something or do_something_else, it can be pulled outside the loop. I've heard of this called loop hoisting, but Wikipedia has an entry called "loop invariant code motion".

If flags is a local variable, the compiler should be able to do this optimization since it's guaranteed to have no effect on the behavior of the generated code.

If flags is a global variable, and you call functions inside your loop it might not perform the optimization - it may not be able to determine if those functions modify the global.

This can also be affected by the sort of optimization you do - optimizing for size would favor the non-hoisted version while optimizing for speed would probably favor the hoisted version.

In general, this isn't the sort of thing that you should worry about, unless profiling tells you that the function is a hotspot and you see that less than efficient code is actually being generated by going over the assembly the compiler outputs. Micro-optimizations like this you should always just leave to the compiler unless you absolutely have to.

Tried with GCC and -O3:

void foo();
void bar();

int main()
    bool doesnt_change = true;
    for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
        if (doesnt_change) {
        else {

Result for main:

pushl   %ebp
movl    %esp, %ebp
andl    $-16, %esp
call    ___main
call    __Z3foov
call    __Z3foov
call    __Z3foov
xorl    %eax, %eax

So it does optimize away the choice (and unrolls smaller loops).

This optimization is not done if doesnt_change is global.

I'm sure if the compiler can determine that the flag will remain constant, it can do some shufflling:

const bool flag = /* ... */;
for (..;..;..;)
    if (flag)
        // ...
        // ...

If the flag is not const, the compiler cannot necessarily optimize the loop, because it can't be sure flag won't change. It can if it does static analysis, but not all compilers do, I think. const is the sure-fire way of telling the compiler the flag won't change, after that it's up to the compiler.

As usual, profile and find out if it's really a problem.

As many have said: it depends.

If you want to be sure, you should try to force a compile-time decision. Templates often come in handy for this:

for (condition)