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Can anyone explain the root of this index out of range error?





The following code throws up a mysterious error that I cannot find the solution to. It works fine when I tested it in a bigger module, so cannot see why this doesn't work:


import csv

with open('studentinfo.txt','a') as fo: #open the file in append mode (add to file, we don't wish to overwrite!)
        studentfileWriter=csv.writer(fo) #fo = file out (this can be called anything you like)
        id=input("Enter Student Id:")
        firstname=input("Enter firstname:")
        surname=input("Enter Surname:")
        test1=input("Enter test1 score:")
        test2=input("Enter test2 score:")
        test3=input("Enter test3 score:")
        print("Record has been written to file")

with open("studentinfo.txt", "r") as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    sorted_list = list(reader)  # turn the reader iterator into a list
    sorted_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])  # use the third column as a sorting key
    print("\n".join(str(row) for row in sorted_list))  # prettier print

Error Message

sorted_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])  # use the third column as a sorting key
IndexError: list index out of range

It is worth noting that the code works fine when there are no additions to the file contents. On adding a student to the file, the SORT does not work.

Original File contents


File Contents on adding a test student:


The resultant error occurs at this stage (when the new student has been added). The sort function otherwise works fine.

Update and clarification:

For teaching purposes, I need it to work both on repl.it AND IDLE>

If someone could post a repl.it as an answer (With my code above, working), which also works when implemented in IDLE with a txt file, I will accept as an answer.

like image 779
Compoot Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 18:07


People also ask

How do I fix error index out of range?

To fix this, you can modify the parameter in the range() function. A better solution is to use the length of the list as the range() function's parameter. The code above runs without any error because the len() function returns 3. Using that with range(3) returns 0, 1, 2 which matches the number of items in a list.

What does the index out of range error mean?

You'll get the Indexerror: list index out of range error when you try and access an item using a value that is out of the index range of the list and does not exist. This is quite common when you try to access the last item of a list, or the first one if you're using negative indexing.

What causes index error?

An IndexError means that your code is trying to access an index that is invalid. This is usually because the index goes out of bounds by being too large. For example, if you have a list with three items and you try to access the fourth item, you will get an IndexError.

1 Answers

The reason of your issue here is that you're not appending to csv properly.

On Windows, the csv module has a bug/limitation when running Windows. It adds extra blank lines every line (actually it adds an extra carriage return char) if you don't open the file properly. So to fix it:

Python 3:

with open('studentinfo.txt','a',newline='') as fo:

Python 2:

with open('studentinfo.txt','ab') as fo:

So csv module is adding an extra \r at the end of your file. And when reading it back again, it issues an empty row.

It works fine in repl.it because they're using a python engine which runs on a Linux sandbox) , but the documentation still advises to open the files like I've shown.

(the documentation of the csv module is clear about this, even if it advises to do the same for read mode, and I never had any issue with a simple open("file.csv"))

Also see an old question of mine: portable way to write csv file in python 2 or python 3

If there's a double carriage return char at the end of the file, you don't see it (use Notepad++ with "show all symbols" to see a double CRCR character) but csv.reader returns an empty row which fails when sort uses your key function to compare it.

Now, if you want to be robust to that (because other people could edit your database, for instance, using excel csv mode or other terrible stuff):

I would filter out & sort & convert to list at the same time using filter(None,...) which removes "falsy" (i.e empty) rows:

sorted_list = sorted(filter(None,reader),key=lambda x: x[2])

Of course if a row has only 1 or 2 items, that will also fail. In that case, drop filter because we'd have to write a lambda and it's not worth, in favor of a generator comprehension:

sorted_list = sorted((x for x in reader if len(x)>2),key=lambda x: x[2])
like image 87
Jean-François Fabre Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09

Jean-François Fabre