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Installing a github package without setup.py?

I am trying to install https://github.com/ExaVault/evapi-python.git using pip, but it doesn't have a setup.py so how am I supposed to use it? I want to use the packages it contains, but with no setup.py how am I supposed to use it?

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Walker Odell Avatar asked Jul 14 '17 21:07

Walker Odell

People also ask

Does Python package require setup py?

A Python file that relies only on the standard library can be redistributed and reused without the need to use setuptools. But for projects that consist of multiple files, need additional libraries, or need a specific version of Python, setuptools will be required.

Does pip need setup py?

As a first step, pip needs to get metadata about a package (name, version, dependencies, and more). It collects this by calling setup.py egg_info . The egg_info command generates the metadata for the package, which pip can then consume and proceed to gather all the dependencies of the package.

Can you install Python packages without pip?

Most Python packages are now designed to be compatible with Python's pip package manager. But if you have a package that is not compatible with pip, you'll need manually install Python packages.

2 Answers

Just an unfinished, broken package, it isn't supposed to be installed by Python tools. Install it manually — clone the repo and copy files to site-packages.

And send them a bug report. Or better yet a pull-request.

Upd. Oh, I see, you've sent a bug report alredy, nice!

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phd Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09


Installing it looks like a manual job, but you can still use it. Download it as zip here https://github.com/ExaVault/evapi-python/archive/master.zip, extract, go to evapi-python-master folder, go to src, and simply place your code there.

import V1Api
import ApiClient

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darksky Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09
