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Can an optional parameter be null in TypeScript?

According to this article, when strict null checking is enabled in TypeScript, you cannot assign null or undefined to a variable unless it is explicitly allowed with a union.

// required value let req: string; req = "Something";  // OK req = null;      // Error req = undefined; // Error  // nullable value let nbl: string | null; nbl = "Something";  // OK nbl = null;      // OK nbl = undefined; // Error 

But is null allowed in an optional value in TypeScript?

// optional value let opt?: string; // (actually invalid, as optional types cannot be used for variable declarations, but that's not the point, so imagine we are dealing with function parameters or something) opt = "Something"; // OK opt = null; // OK? Error? opt = undefined; // OK 

Or is

opt?: string; 

equivalent to

opt: string | undefined; 

thus not allowing null just like recommended by Microsoft's Coding guidelines?

like image 625
Snackoverflow Avatar asked Jul 28 '19 17:07


People also ask

Can optional be null TypeScript?

With optional you can leave the argument out, or pass undefined , BUT NOT null .

How do you handle optional parameters in TypeScript?

In Typescript, making optional parameters is done by appending the “?” at the end of the parameter name in the function when declaring the parameters and the parameters which are not marked with “?” i.e not optional parameter are called as default parameters or normal parameters where it is must and compulsory to pass ...

Does TypeScript support optional parameters?

TypeScript provides a Optional parameters feature. By using Optional parameters featuers, we can declare some paramters in the function optional, so that client need not required to pass value to optional parameters.

What is the syntax for optional parameter in TypeScript?

Summary. Use the parameter?: type syntax to make a parameter optional. Use the expression typeof(parameter) !== 'undefined' to check if the parameter has been initialized.

1 Answers

EDIT: Important Note As Quentin C pointed out in the below comment, the behavior listed here is only when strict null checking is enabled: "strictNullChecks": true in tsconfig.json.

The types null and undefined are handled as separate types. The optional type is special, also allowing arguments to be left out of function calls.

1. Without a union or optional, nothing except the type itself is allowed.

function foo(bar: string) {     console.info(bar); }  foo("Hello World!"); // OK foo(null); // Error foo(undefined); // Error foo() // Error 

2. To additionally allow null, a union with null can be made.

function foo(bar: string | null) {     console.info(bar); }  foo("Hello World!"); // OK foo(null); // OK foo(undefined); // Error foo() // Error 

3. Allowing undefined works similarly. Note that the argument cannot be left out or null.

function foo(bar: string | undefined) {     console.info(bar); }  foo("Hello World!"); // OK foo(null); // Error foo(undefined); // OK foo() // Error 

4. You can also allow both, but the argument MUST still be given.

function foo(bar: string | null | undefined) {     console.info(bar); }  foo("Hello World!"); // OK foo(null); // OK foo(undefined); // OK foo() // Error 

5. With optional you can leave the argument out, or pass undefined, BUT NOT null.

function foo(bar?: string) {     console.info(bar); }  foo("Hello World!"); // OK foo(null); // Error foo(undefined); // OK foo() // OK 

6. To allow all three special cases, optional and null can be combined.

function foo(bar?: string | null) {     console.info(bar); }  foo("Hello World!"); // OK foo(null); // OK foo(undefined); // OK foo() // OK 

Also, optional is only usable in parameter or other type declarations, such as interfaces, not on regular variables. As it would make no sense to leave out the value of a variable when assigning to it.


let d?: string; 

would make no sense and results in a compilation error.

like image 190
Snackoverflow Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10
