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How do I define a knockout binding handler in typescript?

I normally add custom knockout binding handlers in JavaScript via

ko.bindingHandlers.myBindingHandler = {...} 

but now I have to add them in TypeScript via

ko.bindingHandlers["myBindingHandler"] = {...} 

otherwise I get this error because I'm using typescript.d.ts:

The property 'myBindingHandler' does not exist on value of type 'KnockoutBindingHandlers'

I don't like the ["property"] approach because then I can't reference it or get intellisense on it later.

So, how can I add my custom binding handler to knockout while using definitelyTyped's knockout definition, while also being able to reference my definition via intellisense, etc?

like image 438
Allen Rice Avatar asked Apr 24 '13 23:04

Allen Rice

People also ask

What is binding in knockout?

A binding context is an object that holds data that you can reference from your bindings. While applying bindings, Knockout automatically creates and manages a hierarchy of binding contexts. The root level of the hierarchy refers to the viewModel parameter you supplied to ko. applyBindings(viewModel) .

What are the types of binding supported by knockout JS?

Binding Values The binding value can be a single value, literal, a variable or can be a JavaScript expression.

2 Answers

Defining a custom binding handler

Its actually pretty easy, just add it (myBindingHandler) to the KnockoutBindingHandlers interface right before you define your custom binding handler. Please note that you have to do make this addition to the interface, within a .d.ts file as of version 1.0 (or possibly earlier).


/// <reference path="typings/knockout/knockout.d.ts" />  interface KnockoutBindingHandlers {     myBindingHandler: KnockoutBindingHandler; } 


/// <reference path="bindingHandler.d.ts" />  ko.bindingHandlers.myBindingHandler = {...} 

Now everything works. This will not overwrite any existing definitions or declarations, so your definition will sit along side of ko.bindingHandlers.text, etc.

Just be careful, because if you do not include an actual definition of myBindingHandler and you reference it elsewhere, it will compile due to the definition you added to KnockoutBindingHandlers, but it will break at runtime because there is no implementation of myBindingHandler.

The documentation for adding custom bindinghandlers in knockoutjs is here

Using fn to add custom functions with TypeScript

Similarly, to add something to ko.observable.fn, you'd do this in typescript

interface KnockoutObservableFunctions  {      myFnExtension(args: any): returnType;  } 

and call it with

// x will be defined as a returnType automatically, but you could specify it if you like, either way var x: returnType = ko.observable("value").myFnExtension(args); 

Note: There are different interfaces for the subscribable, observable, observableArray, and computed types:

  • ko.subscribable.fn ... add to KnockoutSubscribableFunctions
  • ko.observable.fn ... add to KnockoutObservableFunctions
  • ko.observableArray.fn ... add to KnockoutObservableArrayFunctions
  • ko.computed.fn ... add to KnockoutComputedFunctions

The documentation for adding onto fn in knockoutjs is here

like image 198
Allen Rice Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Allen Rice

you can simply ignore it,but this is not a good practice, by casting to any you are not defining the type of the property myBindingHandler

(<any>ko.bindingHandlers).myBindingHandler = { ... }; 
like image 33
HB MAAM Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09