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Can an Ember component observe a controller property?


People also ask

What is an ember controller?

In Ember. js, controllers allow you to decorate your models with display logic. In general, your models will have properties that are saved to the server, while controllers will have properties that your app does not need to save to the server.

What is a component in Ember?

Ember components are used to turn markup text and styles into reusable content. Components consist of two parts: a JavaScript component file that defines behavior, and its accompanying Handlebars template that defines the markup for the component's UI. Components must have at least one dash in their name.

What is Ember observer?

Ember supports observing any property, including computed properties. Observers should contain behavior that reacts to changes in another property. Observers are especially useful when you need to perform some behavior after a binding has finished synchronizing.

I have a controller and a component. when the component is rendered, it is passed on in this manner:

{{modal-filter feature=feature parentController=this.controller}}

where feature is a param passed in via controller to handlebars, and parentController is the controller.

Now, in the controller itself, there is an property (an array). let's call that array requiredValues.

Now within a controller/component itself, we can easily set:

valueObserver : function(){

However, I need to observe this controller property from a the modal-filter component. So in the modal-filter component, what would I put as the observer function:

valueObserver : function(){