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Can a subdomain delete a domain cookie?




Suppose I have a cookie that is set for .domain.com, and my subdomain is sub.domain.com. Can I delete cookies that are set for the main domain? I know it is possible to read them, but is it possible to delete these cookies, or overwrite their values?

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Henley Avatar asked Jun 21 '13 19:06


1 Answers

Yes, a subdomain can set/expire a cookie for the main domain, but the main domain cannot set/expire a cookie for a subdomain. See RFC 6265 Sections 5.1.3, 5.3 (see point #6), and 8.6. Section 8.6 in particular describes how a subdomain can set a cookie for the main domain and have it affect a sibling subdomain.

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Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10

Remy Lebeau