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Can a Java Compiler or JVM swap instruction order of independent instructions?

Let's take following statements:

int d0, d1;
int[] ds = {0, 0};

Now one thread has following instructions:


while the other thread has this instruction:

ds[1] = d1;
ds[0] = d0;

If we run these threads in parallel, there are obviously three combinations that ds can look like: {0, 0}, {1, 1}, and {1, 0}.

Now the big question is: Can there also be {0, 1}? Can the Compiler/JVM simply swap instruction because it thinks they are unrelated? If yes, what exactly are the "rules" for such behaviour and is it up to the compiler or the JVM?

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Danyel Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 11:02


1 Answers

Yes, {0, 1} is also possible. The Java memory model is not strong enough to guarantee ordering in this case. This doesn't even require instruction reordering -- this will happen anyway if you run the program on anything but x86 or x86_64.

To be clear here, the actual CPU hardware will reorder these loads and stores, just not if it's an x86.

See the Java Memory Model FAQ

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Dietrich Epp Avatar answered Feb 21 '23 01:02

Dietrich Epp