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Can a DAO call DAO?




I have component which needs to update the database for the customer and customer address (via JDBC). Is it appropriate to call the CustomerAddressDAO from the CustomerDAO? Or create a separate "CustomerDataManager" component which calls them separately?

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Jack BeNimble Avatar asked Jan 24 '12 14:01

Jack BeNimble

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1 The concept of a DAO is to promote oversight and management of an entity similar to a corporation. However, the key to a DAO is the lack of central authority; the collective group of leaders and participants act as the governing body.

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The Data Access Object (or DAO) pattern: separates a data resource's client interface from its data access mechanisms. adapts a specific data resource's access API to a generic client interface.

1 Answers

You can do it, but that doesn't mean you should. In these cases, I like to use a Service (CustomerService in this case) that has a method call that uses both DAOs. You can define the transaction around the service method, so if one call fails, they both roll back.

The problem with DAOs that call other DAOs is you will quite quickly end up with circular references. Dependency injection becomes much more difficult.

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hvgotcodes Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 21:11
