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Camera on Android Eclipse emulator:

I don't have an embedded camera in the lid of my notebook. I'd be hooking up through an external USB camera.

The emulator runtime can pick this up right? I'll get the image displayed inside the AVD skin's screen in real time?

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user225626 Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 20:07


People also ask

Can we open camera in emulator?

ICS emulator supports camera. I found Simple Android Photo Capture, which supports webcam in android emulator.

How do I enable the front camera on my emulator?

You need to edit your AVD so that in the hardware section either "Configures camera facing front" or "Configures camera facing back" are available. One, but not both, of the values for these properties should be set to "webcam0" (or whatever is available).

What is camera emulator?

The Camera Emulation feature allows you to test basic camera features and create test images without having a physical camera device attached to your computer.

Is it possible to use a webcam in an Android emulator?

ICS emulator supports camera. I found Simple Android Photo Capture, which supports webcam in android emulator. Show activity on this post. Does not seem like it, but android recognises a webcam as a device. Every time I run the emulator my webcam's active light comes on. Show activity on this post.

How to enable camera in emulator?

In the SD Card setting, set the value for Size. To enable camera, the SD Card must be enabled in Emulator. Now under Hardware section, click New button to add Camera hardware. It will open following Dialog box. Select Camera support from the Property dropdown and click Ok. The new hardware: Camera support is visible under Hardware section.

Why camera API is not working in Android emulator?

So if your application uses Camera API, it might not work properly in Android Emulator. Also SDCard must be defined in emulator in order to use Camera. To enable Camera in your Android Emulator, just add following highlighted code in your AVD’s config.ini file. You can find the config.ini file under your user directory/.android folder.

What do you need to know about Eclipse emulator?

Eclipse 1 Features. Eclipse is a feature packed emulator with things ranging from UI skins to Google Drive integration. 2 Media Coverage. These are just a few videos on Eclipse from various creators. Eclipse Unrevokable Emulator for iOS - Play NES, GBA, GBC and GB Games Free! 3 Skins. You can find more skins in Eclipse's skins page.

3 Answers

In the current release of the emulator (Ice Cream Sandwich, API14;Linux), web camera support is available. Google's documentation and most answers available on the web do not yet reflect this. The emulator itself does:

emulator -help
-fake-camera <mode>      set fake camera emulation mode
-webcam name=<name>[,dir=&lt;direction&gt;] setup web camera emulation
emulator -help-all

and further:

help for option -fake_camera

Use -fake-camera <mode> to control fake camera emulation. Valid values for <mode> are:

off   -> disable fake camera emulation
back  -> fake camera is facing back
front -> fake camera is facing front

help for option -webcam

  • -webcam off to disable web camera emulation.
  • -webcam list to list web cameras available for emulation.
  • -webcam name=[,dir=<direction>] to setup parameters for web camera emulation.

    • <name> platform-independent name identifying emulated camera device.
    • <direction> defines direction the camera is facing. Valid values are:

      • front -> emulate camera as facing front
      • back -> emulate camera as facing back

        Default direction value for emulated web camera is 'front'

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Ivin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 23:10


Afaik the emulator wont show a realtime camera regardless.

If you need a live camera-source to use in your own app for debugging, there is a sollution at http://www.tomgibara.com/android/camera-source

Updated for newer android versions: http://www.inter-fuser.com/2009/09/live-camera-preview-in-android-emulator.html

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Løkling Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09


Time to upgrade your ADK!

As of Android SDK version 14, the emulator supports webcams to simulate a camera:

General notes - Added webcam support to Android 4.0 or later platforms to emulate rear-facing cameras when one webcam is present, and to emulate both rear-facing and front-facing cameras when two webcams are present. Webcam suport is for Windows and Linux only. Mac support will come in a later release.

from: Android SDK Tools, SDK Tools, Revision 14

It works! I've tried this myself.

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Joe Fernandez Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09

Joe Fernandez