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Camel: How to increment the value of an Integer header by a set amount



Here is my code so far, where I would like to increment the value of the offset header by 50:

.process(new Processor() {
     public void process(Exchange ex){  
         ex.getIn().setHeader("offset", Integer.parseInt(ex.getIn().getHeader("offset").toString())); }

Anybody know of a simple solution?

like image 537
Archer Avatar asked Jan 14 '16 11:01


2 Answers

I don't see where you are increasing your integer header by 50 in your code [NOTE: Question was edited afterwards]. You just seem to be parsing a String into an Integer. You can simplify it by leveraging type conversions:

Message in = ex.getIn();
in.setHeader("offset", in.getHeader("offset", Integer.class));

If you want to increment the offset header by 50, you can do it inside your route with the help of OGNL (no need to resort to a Processor, like the other answer suggested), and by converting the header first to an Integer:

    .setHeader("offset", header("offset").convertTo(Integer.class))
    .setHeader("offset").ognl("request.headers.offset + 50");
like image 170
raulk Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 04:11


I am using such processor for this:

public class IncrementIntProcessor implements Processor {
    private String headerName;
    private int delta = 1;

    public IncrementIntProcessor(String headerName){
        this.headerName = headerName;

    public IncrementIntProcessor(String headerName, int delta){
        this.headerName = headerName;
        this.delta = delta;

    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        int num = (exchange.getIn().getHeader(headerName)==null ? 0 : exchange.getIn().getHeader(headerName, Integer.class));
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(headerName, (num+delta));


            .process(new IncrementIntProcessor("intHeader", 50))
            .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "${header.intHeader}")

Interesting to see other, simple solutions.

like image 22
Alexey Yakunin Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 05:11

Alexey Yakunin