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Camel CXF POJO mode using Java DSL

I have a pre-existing web service "connect" (SOAP) I would like to call without using the Swing framework if possible. I have followed the contact first development generating my java files using cxf/wsdl2java tool.

I wish for the userName and password to be extracted from the java object and placed in a SOAP object then sent onot my localhost web service.

When sending the Connect object as a body to the "direct:start" I get an exception...

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Get the wrong parameter size to invoke the out service, Expect size 2, Parameter size 1. Please check if the message body matches the CXFEndpoint POJO Dataformat request.

I've checked the first argument is actually an instance of the Connect object passed in.

Do I need some additional annotations in the one of the classes, is the method of testing invalid or
is there an alternative pattern I should follow?

public class TestConnectCXF extends CamelTestSupport
    protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception
        return new RouteBuilder()
            String cxfAddressLine = "cxf:http://localhost:8081/nuxeo/webservices/privateadservice?wsdlURL=wsdl/privateadservice.wsdl" //
                    + "&dataFormat=POJO" //
                    + "&serviceClass=com.sandbox.camelfeed.PrivateAdServiceInterface" //
                    + "&serviceName={http://ws.sandboxtest.com/}PrivateAdService" //
                    + "&synchronous=true" //
                    + "&loggingFeatureEnabled=true" //
                    + "&portName={http://ws.sandboxtest.com/}PrivateAdServiceInterfacePort";
            public void configure() throws Exception

    public void testConnectViaPojo() throws InterruptedException
        Connect connectToServer = new Connect();
        template.sendBody("direct:start", connectToServer);

I'm new to camel and web services so any helpful pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Additional info

Using camel 2.10, Java 1.6

Classes generated from wsdl2java

@XmlType(name = "connect", propOrder = {
public class Connect {

protected String userName;
protected String password;

public String getUserName() {
    return userName;

public void setUserName(String value) {
    this.userName = value;

public String getPassword() {
    return password;

public void setPassword(String value) {
    this.password = value;

@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://ws.sandboxtest.com/", name = "PrivateAdServiceInterface")
public interface PrivateAdServiceInterface {

        // Omitted Code relating to other web calls

        @WebResult(name = "return", targetNamespace = "")
        @RequestWrapper(localName = "connect", targetNamespace = "http://ws.sandboxtest.com/", className = "com.sandbox.camelfeed.Connect")
        @ResponseWrapper(localName = "connectResponse", targetNamespace = "http://ws.sandboxtest.com/", className = "com.sandbox.camelfeed.ConnectResponse")
        public java.lang.String connect(
            @WebParam(name = "userName", targetNamespace = "")
            java.lang.String userName,
            @WebParam(name = "password", targetNamespace = "")
            java.lang.String password
        ) throws ClientException_Exception;

public class ObjectFactory {
    // Omitted other web calls information
      private final static QName _Connect_QNAME = new QName("http://ws.sandboxtest.com/", "connect");

    @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://ws.sandboxtest.com/", name = "connect")
    public JAXBElement<Connect> createConnect(Connect value) {
        return new JAXBElement<Connect>(_Connect_QNAME, Connect.class, null, value);

like image 377
loffa Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 05:10


1 Answers

In my experience there are some things in Camel, like calling a SOAP Web service or making a REST call, that are easier to do in a custom processor, than using a component like CXF, HTTP or HTTP4.

I usually work with Spring, so I tend to use either Spring REST template or the JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean (for Webservice calls) for outbound calls.

Here is an example using a JAX-WS call:

    public class WebServiceProcessorBean {

    private JAXWSProxy theProxy;

    public void callWebservice(Exchange exchange) {
        Response response = theProxy.call();

        //Do something with the response and Exchange.

The definition in the Spring application context:

<bean id="theProxyService" class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean">
        <property name="serviceInterface" value="XXX"/>
        <property name="wsdlDocumentUrl" value="http://xxxxx.wsdl"/>
        <property name="namespaceUri" value="xxxx"/>
        <property name="serviceName" value="xxxx"/>
        <property name="portName" value="xxxxx"/>

Use the WebServiceProcessorBean defined in Spring application context with beanRef() DSL method.

.beanRef("theProxyService", "callWebservice")
like image 113
Daniel Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
