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Calling sort on slickgrid



In the slickgrid I'm able to set the sort column and it's sort direction using the grid.SetSortColumn(colName,true/false). This only sets the sorting glyph but does no sorting. Is there a way to call the sort event handler. I've defined the sort handler like grid.onSort.subscribe(function(){});

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Siddharth Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 04:03


2 Answers

The behavior you are observing is correct.

   grid.setSortColumn(columnId, isAsc);

only updates the glyph on the sort column. In your case, you will initially need to sort the data, and then use setSortColumn to update the glyph on sortColumn. You can reuse sorter used in onSort event like this:

   var gridSorter = function(columnField, isAsc, grid, gridData) {
       var sign = isAsc ? 1 : -1;
       var field = columnField
       gridData.sort(function (dataRow1, dataRow2) {
              var value1 = dataRow1[field], value2 = dataRow2[field];
              var result = (value1 == value2) ?  0 :
                         ((value1 > value2 ? 1 : -1)) * sign;
              return result;
   var grid = new Slick.Grid($gridContainer, gridData, gridColumns, gridOptions);
   //These 2 lines will sort you data & update glyph while loading grid     
   //columnField is field of column you want to sort initially, isAsc - true/false
   gridSorter(columnField, isAsc, grid, gridData);

   //I had the columnField, columnId same else used columnId below
   grid.setSortColumn(columnField, isAsc); 
   grid.onSort.subscribe(function(e, args) {
        gridSorter(args.sortCol.field, args.sortAsc, grid, gridData);

How I arrived on this solution?

Read comments here. https://github.com/mleibman/SlickGrid/issues/325

like image 193
Mr.Hunt Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


dataView.fastSort does the job. You can then use setSortColumn to set the sorting glyph.

like image 35
Siddharth Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
