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calling method dynamically through variables in vuejs

Is it possible to call the method through variables? I have drag and drop elements having ID and according to id I have to call the method. Consider the following Eg.

    <div id="draggable">
      <div class="draggable" id="db">Step2</div>
      <div class="draggable" id="spstep"> Step</div>
      <div class="draggable" id="merge">Merge</div>
      <div class="draggable" id="copy">copy</div>
     <div id="id="draggable"">Drop Here</div>

  export default {

  data () {

  mounted () {
  var _this = this
     grid: [ 20, 20 ],
     appendTo: '#droppable',
     // containment: "window",
     cursor: 'move',
     revertDuration: 100,
     revert: 'invalid',
     helper: 'clone',
     refreshPositions: true,
     scroll: true,
     containment: "document",
      zIndex: 10000,

     accept: ".draggable",
     tolerance: "intersect",
     drop: function (event, ui) {         
       var leftPosition  = pos.left;//ui.offset.left - $(this).offset().left;
       var topPosition   = pos.top;//ui.offset.top - $(this).offset().top;
       console.log(leftPosition + "  "+ topPosition);
       var type = ui.draggable.attr("id");

       //Here call methods according to id of draggable element
       //current implement which is not enhanced code
       if(type == 'db')

       if(type == 'spstep')

       if(type == 'merge')

       if(type == 'copy')
        //desired implementation alike
        _this.[type]() // this syntax is wrong and throws an error  
 methods: {
    //db called do something
    //spstep called do something
    //merge called do something
    //copy called do something

Above is my sample code in which I have mentioned my requirements in comments.I want to call the methods according to dragged element. I don't know even this is possible but by this approach, I can reduce lots of unwanted code.

Any help would be highly appreciated

like image 380
Amit Sharma Avatar asked Jan 16 '18 15:01

Amit Sharma

2 Answers

In Javascript if you are an object like this :

const foo = {
    bar() {},
    baz() {}

To call this "dynamicly" you should type


So, in your case, instead of :


You should type :


Object could be manipulated like array index but, in this case, indexes are juste the fields

Warning : Your $.droppable().drop function is not correctly binded. So, at this time, the this is not the VueJS component :

  • in basics functions/methods of your vuejs component use the es6 functions fields (like your mounted, ...).
  • Inside this functions, use arrow function to kepp the right context for this. In this example, your drop function must be an arrow function to work correctly
like image 128
throrin19 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 19:10


you just think i pass the function as a dynamic.

I pass the function name as a "saveRecord".

try this way. It works well for me :)

var mydynamic_Function_Name = "saveRecord";
like image 3
S.Jemiris Selvi Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 18:10

S.Jemiris Selvi