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jQuery .map into array

I don't know how I would .map into an array. I want to get all values of children but 2 and then put it into an array format.

Here's the code I'm attempting it with:

$("#schoolSupplies").submit(function() {
    var test = $(":input").not("#numOfSupplies, #submitBtn").map(function() {
        return $(this).val();
  .join( "\", \"" );


And this is the output: Billy", "John

I have been working on this for about an hour and I have no idea how.

like image 726
SeanOMik Avatar asked Sep 20 '16 04:09


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1 Answers

.get() returns an array - so just take out the .join() call; otherwise you would have a string (since that is what .join() returns).

$("#schoolSupplies").submit(function() {
    var arrayOfValues = $(":input").not("#numOfSupplies, #submitBtn").map(function() {
        return $(this).val();
  //.join( "\", \"" )

    console.log('Array.isArray(arrayOfValues): ', Array.isArray(arrayOfValues)?'yes':'no', ' contents of arrayOfValues: ', arrayOfValues);
    return false; //for demonstration purposes, don't submit form normally
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form id="schoolSupplies">
  Supply Name: <input id="name" type="text" value="Tables" /><br />
  Student Name: <input id="studentName" type="text" value="Bobby"/><br />
  # of Supplies: <input id="numOfSupplies" type="number" value="3" /><br />
  <input type="submit" id="submitBtn" />
like image 78
Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ