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Calling a constructor of the base class from a subclass' constructor body

I was under impression that it's impossible, see for example: Calling the constructor of the base class after some other instructions in C++
But the following program runs and produces two lines of "Constructor Person":

#include <iostream>

class Person
        std::cout << "Constructor Person" << std::endl; }

class Child : public Person
        c = 1; 
    int c;

int main() 
    Child child;
    return 0;

The first one is implicit call of the default constructor, that's clear. What about the 2nd one - does it mean that the action described in the title is legitimate? I use Visual C++ 2010.

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TT_ Avatar asked Jan 28 '14 01:01


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2 Answers

The call inside the child class constructor is not calling the base class constructor, it is creating a temporary, unnamed and new object of type Person. It will be destroyed as the constructor exits. To clarify, your example is the same as doing this:

Child() { c = 1; Person tempPerson; }

Except in this case, the temporary object has a name.

You can see what I mean if you modify your example a little:

class Person
    Person(int id):id(id) { std::cout << "Constructor Person " << id << std::endl; }
    ~Person(){ std::cout << "Destroying Person " << id << std::endl; }
    int id;

class Child : public Person
    Child():Person(1) { c = 1; Person(2); }
int c;

int main() {
Child child;

return 0;

This produces the output:

Constructor Person 1
Constructor Person 2
Destroying Person 2
Constructor Person 3
Destroying Person 3
Destroying Person 1
like image 125
zdan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09


The following is an excerpt from "Accelerated C++": "Derived objects are constructed by:
1. Allocating space for the entire object (base class members as well as derived class members);
2. Calling the base-class constructor to initialize the base-class part of the object;
3. Initializing the members of the derived class as directed by the constructor initializer;
4. Executing the body of the derived-class constructor, if any."

Summarizing the answers and comments: Calling a constructor of the base class from a subclass' constructor body is impossible in the sense that #2 above must precede #4. But we still can create a base object in the derived constructor body thus calling a base constructor. It will be an object different from the object being constructed with the currently executed derived constructor.

like image 43
TT_ Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09