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What's the difference between doing vector<vector<T...>> and vector<vector<T>...>




I saw code like this earlier:

using A = std::vector<std::vector<T>...>

where T is a variadic list of template arguments. I wanted to know what the difference is between putting the parameter pack at the end of the last angle bracket and the first. For example:

using B = std::vector<std::vector<T...>>;

Both of these two compile fine but I don't know what the difference is.

Can someone explain? Thanks.

like image 724
Me myself and I Avatar asked May 05 '13 16:05

Me myself and I

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1 Answers

In a pack expansion the pattern that precedes the ... is repeated for each element of the pack, so vector<T>... means expand into vector<T1>, vector<T2>, vector<T3> whereas vector<T...> means expand into vector<T1, T2, T3>

If the parameter pack only has one element they're the same, but consider if the parameter pack has two elements, it should be obvious that

std::vector<std::vector<T1>, std::vector<T2>>


std::vector<std::vector<T1, T2>>

are not the same. The first one will not compile, the second template parameter for std::vector must be an allocator type, not a vector. The second one will compile if T2 is an allocator type.

like image 63
Jonathan Wakely Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09

Jonathan Wakely