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Calling a base class's classmethod in Python

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How do you call a base class function in Python?

Calling Parent class method after method overriding Using Classname: Parent's class methods can be called by using the Parent classname. method inside the overridden method. Using Super(): Python super() function provides us the facility to refer to the parent class explicitly.

How do you call a base class constructor in Python?

Use super(). __init()__ to call the immediate parent class constructor in Python. Calling a parent constructor within a child class executes the operations of the parent class constructor in the child class.

How do you access base class members in Python?

Accessing Parent Class Functions This is really simple, you just have to call the constructor of parent class inside the constructor of child class and then the object of a child class can access the methods and attributes of the parent class. # how parent constructors are called.

What does Classmethod mean in Python?

The classmethod() is an inbuilt function in Python, which returns a class method for a given function.; Syntax: classmethod(function) Parameter :This function accepts the function name as a parameter. Return Type:This function returns the converted class method.

If you're using a new-style class (i.e. derives from object in Python 2, or always in Python 3), you can do it with super() like this:

super(Derived, cls).do(a)

This is how you would invoke the code in the base class's version of the method (i.e. print cls, a), from the derived class, with cls being set to the derived class.

this has been a while, but I think I may have found an answer. When you decorate a method to become a classmethod the original unbound method is stored in a property named 'im_func':

class Base(object):
    def do(cls, a):
        print cls, a

class Derived(Base):

    def do(cls, a):
        print 'In derived!'
        # Base.do(cls, a) -- can't pass `cls`
        Base.do.im_func(cls, a)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = Derived()

Building on the answer from @David Z using:

super(Derived, cls).do(a)

Which can be further simplified to:

super(cls, cls).do(a)

I often use classmethods to provide alternative ways to construct my objects. In the example below I use the super functions as above for the class method load that alters the way that the objects are created:

class Base():
    def __init__(self,a):
        self.a = a
    def load(cls,a):
        return cls(a=a)
class SubBase(Base): 

    def load(cls,b):
        a = b-1
        return super(cls,cls).load(a=a)
base = Base.load(a=1)

sub = SubBase.load(b=3)


<__main__.Base object at 0x128E48B0>
<__main__.SubBase object at 0x128E4710>