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call route inside of a view in Backbone

I know there are great deal of tutorials/information about orgaising an application using Backbone.js out there. I am creating gradually one with the aid of the those tutorials. I seem to fail understanding the concept of routers. Well, I am aware that routers are starting point(and tells the state of an app) and it's better to avoid putting more logic there.

I have one router. My app would firstly load header, footer, and main part of the page. In main part, first, I should login the user. To load the login page, I would do something like this:

       var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
            initialize : function() {
            var headerView = new HeaderView({el:$('#header')});

            var footerView = new FooterView({el:$('#footer')});

            var loginView = new LoginView({el:$('#login')});
        routes : {
            "inbox" : "inbox",
            "sentbox : "sentbox"
        inbox : function() {
            // ...
        sentbox : function() {
            // ...
    app = new AppRouter();

After successful login, the mail page will be loaded. MailView has some events to show inbox, sentbox for example.

     events: {
        "click .inbox": "showInbox",
        "click .sentbox": "showSentbox",
       showInbox : function() {
            // app.route() or app.inbox() - ?

At this point, I want the router to show ../#inbox and ../#sentbox respectively. I am wondering if I should call here one of the router's method to show that in address bar. Why I am confusing is because it's said that usage of one router is better than more. If I do so, my AppRouter will be more complicated. Another issue is if users type the address directly, I should load that page. I think it requires to put the logic inside the AppRouter.

Please tell me the right approach here. Thanks beforehand!

like image 987
boburShox Avatar asked Mar 13 '13 05:03


People also ask

What is backbone route?

A backbone router is a type of router that links separate systems in different meshes of a network with each other. As its name suggests, a backbone router plays the role of a backbone in any network connection and, as such, is part of the backbone network.

What is Backbone used for?

It is designed for developing single-page web applications, and for keeping various parts of web applications (e.g. multiple clients and the server) synchronized. Backbone was created by Jeremy Ashkenas, who is also known for CoffeeScript and Underscore. js.

What is Backbone in React?

Introduction. BackboneJS is primarily a JavaScript MVC framework, whereas React identifies itself as a JavaScript UI library. BackboneJS provides organized structure to your codebase and definitive models that can communicate with data.

1 Answers

Check out Router.navigate() (http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Router-navigate)

I normally save an instance variable of my Router inside my App object, e.g.

var App = {
  Views: {},
  Routers: {},
  Models: {},
  data: {}

  initialize: function() {
    this.data.mainRouter = new App.Routers.MainRouter();

where App.MainRouter is defined as:

App.Routers.MainRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

   routes: {
     'route1' : 'route1handler',
     'route2/:param' : 'route2handler'


Then within my view, if I want to navigate to a new route, I call:

like image 99
Dan Smart Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09

Dan Smart