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Backbone View Inheritance

I am trying to write a Backbone view for an object browser which is designed to be implemented in several places with different object types and slightly different operation.

I have tried simply extending the backbone view in my browser and then extending the browser in my implementation however this leaves me with some properties which are shared. This is an undesired effect as the data is appended to all implementations with every browser creation.

Could someone shed light on a way to solve this problem or perhaps an alternative solution?

Here are some code examples to give you a better idea of how it currently stands:

    var BrowserView = Backbone.View;

    _.extend(BrowserView.prototype, Backbone.View.prototype, {
        className: 'browser',

        collections: [],

        events: {




            initialize: function () {

        render: function () {

        _initialize: function () {
            this.container = $( this.make('div', {class: 'container'} ) );


            if ( this.options.collections ) {
                this.collections = [];

                _.each(this.options.collections, this.add, this);

            _.extend(this.events, this._events);


        _render: function () {

            _.each(this.collections, function (view) {

            }, this);

    BrowserView.extend = Backbone.View.extend;

    var ContactBrowserView = BrowserView.extend({


EDIT My issue is that the sub classes are sharing the collections property. Here is an example of my own solution which initialises the collections property through an inherited method. jsfiddle.net/JhZXh/3

like image 872
Eli Avatar asked Feb 23 '12 01:02


1 Answers

I think I've figured out the answer to my own problem.

I believe the right way to achieve what I am looking for is to move the initialization of properties in to the initialize method provided by Backbone views. This way they are initialized

var BrowserView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function () {
        this.collections = [];

var FileBrowserView = BrowserView.extend({
    initialize: function () {
        this.collections.push({name: 'Example Collection' + Math.rand()});

var FileBrowserInstance1 = new FileBrowserView;

var FileBrowserInstance2 = new FileBrowserView;


like image 62
Eli Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
