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Call Ghostscript in Windows by its invocation name?

What should I do to be able to call Ghostscript in Windows by its invocation name? I added Ghostscript bin folder to Windows PATH and Path variables but it doesn't work, neither does 'gswin32c.exe' nor 'gswin32c'. Logging out and then logging back in also didn't help. How do I solve this issue? Maybe I'm using the wrong invocation name?

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clumpter Avatar asked May 15 '11 21:05


People also ask

How do you call Ghostscript?

The command line to invoke Ghostscript is essentially the same on all systems, although the name of the executable program itself may differ among systems. For instance, to invoke Ghostscript on unix-like systems type: gs [options] {filename 1} ... [options] {filename N} ...

How do I find Ghostcript version in Windows?

Help at the command line: gs -h switch, like this: gs -h gs -? The message shows for that version of the Ghostscript executable: the version and release information.

How do I check my Ghostscript?

Run "gs -h" to find the location of Ghostscript documentation on your system, from which you can get more details.

2 Answers

There are several possibilities. To list the two most frequent ones:

  1. c:\full\path\to\gswin32c.exe should always work. For 64bit systems, use c:\full\path\to\gswin64c.exe.
  2. After a fresh installation using a standard windows installer, you may need to reboot before the updated %path% environment variable is used.
  3. Open a cmd window and (assuming your Ghostscript installation ended up in c:\path\to\gs...) then type set path=c:\path\to\gs\gs9.02\bin;%path%. From this same cmd window you can now simply use gswin32c to start Ghostscript (use gswin64c on 64 bit Windows)...
like image 165
Kurt Pfeifle Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Kurt Pfeifle

I've finaly got what i want after rebooting. Weird. Thanks all of you for your help.

like image 21
clumpter Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
