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CALL batch file environment variables discarded in Windows 7

I have been successfully using the CALL mechanism to allow one batch file to CALL another to setup environment variables. This code has been working well for over a year on Windows XP.

However, it does not appear to be working in the same way on Windows 7. The variables exist in the second batch file just before the EXIT /B statement. But, they do not exist upon the return to the first batch file.

Some trivial examples seem to work as expected, but the large batch scripts do not.

Has anyone had difficulties with this or know any workarounds?

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lit Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 10:03


1 Answers

In years of advanced batch scripting, I have never seen a CALL fail to preserve environment variables unless the called script (or label) set the variable when SETLOCAL was still active. There is an implicit ENDLOCAL for every active SETLOCAL from the within the CALL upon termination of the CALL.

It sounds like you have put in diagnostic messages prior to your EXIT /B to confirm that your variables are defined. I would take it one step further and add multiple ENDLOCAL statements prior to your diagnostic messages. I suspect you will then see your values dissapear prior to EXIT /B. You can add as many ENDLOCAL as you want. ENDLOCAL will never affect SETLOCAL that occurred prior to the CALL.

The most likely explanation is that either your script has somehow changed from XP to Win 7, or else there is some context change in your Win 7 environment that is exercising some aspect of the code that hadn't been exposed before.

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dbenham Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 05:04
