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Calendar view for Android GingerBread and before (API<11)

I'm having an HTML table with dates and details. I want to show it in a calendar view. I've found the built-in API 11 CalendarView, but I can't inflate it when I'm using API 8 (which I need...)

PS. I don't need a fully functioning calendar. I just want to show this information.

Is there any way to solve it?

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RE6 Avatar asked Nov 23 '11 11:11


People also ask

Is there an Android calendar API?

The Calendar API is available as of Android 4.0. Creating new events is done via Intents and does not require any permission. Setting properties of the event is done via Intent extras. The user will be prompted if the event should be created. For example the following will prompt the user if an event should be created with certain details.

What is calendar view widget?

Calendar View Tutorial With Example In Android Studio In Android, Calendar View widget was added in API level 11 (Android version 3.0) which means this view is only supported in the device that are running on Android 3.0 and higher version. It is used for displaying and selecting dates.

How do I create a calendar event in Android?

Calendar API The Calendar API is available as of Android 4.0. Creating new events is done via Intents and does not require any permission. Setting properties of the event is done via Intent extras. The user will be prompted if the event should be created.

What is calendar view in Android Studio?

Calendar View Tutorial With Example In Android Studio. In Android, Calendar View widget was added in API level 11(Android version 3.0) which means this view is only supported in the device that are running on Android 3.0 and higher version. It is used for displaying and selecting dates. The supported range of dates of this calendar is configurable.

2 Answers

I wrote Caldroid library (https://github.com/roomorama/Caldroid) that is simple to setup and have many features such as setup min/max date, disabled dates, select date range etc. It's quite easy to customize the look and feel. Just to share if someone might find it useful :)

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thomasdao Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09


As you mentioned, there is no way to show a calendar in older api levels, but you can try some open source projects:

  • android-calendar-view
  • CalendarView
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Macarse Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
