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Calculation with values expressed in different units (KB, MB, GB)

I am looking for a simple way in Excel to calculate with units of different values. I have a list of several values in KB, MB and GB and I want to get a calculated output in GB.

Here's a piece of the list:

66.0 MB
570 KB
1.10 GB
2.21 KB

Output: ??? GB.

All values are in the same row (C) with B/KB/MB/GB behind the value.

like image 798
Remy van Tour Avatar asked Jul 03 '14 14:07

Remy van Tour

People also ask

How can I format bytes a cell in Excel as KB MB GB etc?

Select the cell(s) of interest, then click Format > Cells > Number tab, select Custom in the Category pane, and enter said custom format in the narrow Type field to the right. Click OK to exit the Format Cells dialog and you should have what you want, at least where your example is concerned.

What is KB MB GB?

1 KB (kilobyte) is 1,024 bytes. 1 MB (megabyte) is 1,0242 bytes. 1 GB (gigabyte) is 1,0243 bytes. 1 TB (terabyte) is 1,0244 bytes.

3 Answers

Assuming the list is in range A1 to A4

{=SUM(VALUE(LEFT(A1:A4,FIND(" ",A1:A4)))*IF(RIGHT(A1:A4,2)="MB",1/1000,IF(RIGHT(A1:A4,2)="KB",1/1000000,1)))}
like image 87
Danielle Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10


Text to Columns with space as the delimiter and:


may suit.

like image 33
pnuts Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10


You can use elegant trick with 10 power by Dave Bruns:


If you are using Excel on Mac then you need to replace "," by ";" (thanks to @pokkie):


You will also have to search and replace any values such as 1.2GB with 1,2GB

like image 25
Hubbitus Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10
