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Calculating summary statistics for a dataframe automatically and creating new table




I have the following dataframe:

col1 <- c("avi","chi","chi","bov","fox","bov","fox","avi","bov",
col2 <- c("low","med","high","high","low","low","med","med","med","high",
col3 <- c(0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0)

test_data <- cbind(col1, col2, col3)
test_data <- as.data.frame(test_data)

And I want to end up with something like this table (values are random):

Species  Pop.density  %Resistance  CI_low  CI_high   Total samples
avi      low          2.0          1.2     2.2       30
avi      med          0            0       0.5       20
avi      high         3.5          2.9     4.2       10
chi      low          0.5          0.3     0.7       20
chi      med          2.0          1.9     2.1       150
chi      high         6.5          6.2     6.6       175

The % resistance column is based on the col3 above, where 1 = resistant, and 0 = nonresistant. I have tried the following:

test_data<-test_data %>%
  count(col1,col2,col3) %>%
  group_by(col1, col2) %>%
  mutate(perc_res = prop.table(n)*100)

I tried this, and it seem to almost do the trick, as i get the percentage of total 1s and 0s in col3, for each value in col1 and 2, however the total samples is wrong since I am counting all three columns, when the correct count would be for only col1 and 2.

For the confidence interval i would use the following:

binom.test(resistant samples,total samples)$conf.int*100

However I am not sure how to implement it together with the rest. Is there a simple and quick way to do this?

like image 331
Haakonkas Avatar asked Jan 03 '23 11:01


1 Answers

I'd do...


DT[, { 
  bt <- binom.test(sum(resists), .N)$conf.int*100
  .(res_rate = mean(resists)*100, res_lo = bt[1], res_hi = bt[2], n = .N)
}, keyby=.(species, popdens)]

    species popdens  res_rate    res_lo    res_hi n
 1:     avi     low   0.00000  0.000000  70.75982 3
 2:     avi     med   0.00000  0.000000  97.50000 1
 3:     bov     low 100.00000 15.811388 100.00000 2
 4:     bov     med  50.00000  1.257912  98.74209 2
 5:     bov    high 100.00000 15.811388 100.00000 2
 6:     chi     low   0.00000  0.000000  97.50000 1
 7:     chi     med  50.00000  1.257912  98.74209 2
 8:     chi    high  66.66667  9.429932  99.15962 3
 9:     fox     low   0.00000  0.000000  97.50000 1
10:     fox     med  50.00000  1.257912  98.74209 2

To include all levels (combinations of species and population density)...

DT[CJ(species = species, popdens = popdens, unique = TRUE), on=.(species, popdens), {
  bt <- 
    if (.N > 0L) binom.test(sum(resists), .N)$conf.int*100 
    else NA_real_
  .(res_rate = mean(resists)*100, res_lo = bt[1], res_hi = bt[2], n = .N)    
}, by=.EACHI]

    species popdens  res_rate    res_lo    res_hi n
 1:     avi     low   0.00000  0.000000  70.75982 3
 2:     avi     med   0.00000  0.000000  97.50000 1
 3:     avi    high        NA        NA        NA 0
 4:     bov     low 100.00000 15.811388 100.00000 2
 5:     bov     med  50.00000  1.257912  98.74209 2
 6:     bov    high 100.00000 15.811388 100.00000 2
 7:     chi     low   0.00000  0.000000  97.50000 1
 8:     chi     med  50.00000  1.257912  98.74209 2
 9:     chi    high  66.66667  9.429932  99.15962 3
10:     fox     low   0.00000  0.000000  97.50000 1
11:     fox     med  50.00000  1.257912  98.74209 2
12:     fox    high        NA        NA        NA 0

How it works

The syntax is DT[i, j, by=] where ...

  • i determines a subset of rows, sometimes with helper arguments, on= or roll=.
  • by= determines groups within the subsetted table, switched to keyby= if sorting.
  • j is code acting on each group.

j should evaluate to a list, with .() being a shortcut to list(). See ?data.table for details.

Data used

(renamed columns, reformatted binary variable back to 0/1 or false/true, set levels of population density in the right order):

DT = data.frame(
  species = col1, 
  popdens = factor(col2, levels=c("low", "med", "high")), 
  resists = col3
like image 120
Frank Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 10:01
