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Calculating moving average

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How do you calculate a 7 point moving average?

A moving average means that it takes the past days of numbers, takes the average of those days, and plots it on the graph. For a 7-day moving average, it takes the last 7 days, adds them up, and divides it by 7. For a 14-day average, it will take the past 14 days.

How do you calculate 5-day simple moving average?

A simple moving average is formed by computing the average price of a security over a specific number of periods. Most moving averages are based on closing prices; for example, a 5-day simple moving average is the five-day sum of closing prices divided by five.

How do you calculate 4 year moving average?

4-year Moving Averages Centered . It is written against the middle of t3 and t4. The two averages a1 and a2 are further averaged to get an average of a1+a22=A1, which refers to the center of t3 and is written against t3. This is called centering the 4-year moving averages.

Or you can simply calculate it using filter, here's the function I use:

ma <- function(x, n = 5){filter(x, rep(1 / n, n), sides = 2)}

If you use dplyr, be careful to specify stats::filter in the function above.

  • Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians in the zoo package (rollmean)
  • MovingAverages in TTR
  • ma in forecast

Using cumsum should be sufficient and efficient. Assuming you have a vector x and you want a running sum of n numbers

cx <- c(0,cumsum(x))
rsum <- (cx[(n+1):length(cx)] - cx[1:(length(cx) - n)]) / n

As pointed out in the comments by @mzuther, this assumes that there are no NAs in the data. to deal with those would require dividing each window by the number of non-NA values. Here's one way of doing that, incorporating the comment from @Ricardo Cruz:

cx <- c(0, cumsum(ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x)))
cn <- c(0, cumsum(ifelse(is.na(x), 0, 1)))
rx <- cx[(n+1):length(cx)] - cx[1:(length(cx) - n)]
rn <- cn[(n+1):length(cx)] - cn[1:(length(cx) - n)]
rsum <- rx / rn

This still has the issue that if all the values in the window are NAs then there will be a division by zero error.

In data.table 1.12.0 new frollmean function has been added to compute fast and exact rolling mean carefully handling NA, NaN and +Inf, -Inf values.

As there is no reproducible example in the question there is not much more to address here.

You can find more info about ?frollmean in manual, also available online at ?frollmean.

Examples from manual below:

d = as.data.table(list(1:6/2, 3:8/4))

# rollmean of single vector and single window
frollmean(d[, V1], 3)

# multiple columns at once
frollmean(d, 3)

# multiple windows at once
frollmean(d[, .(V1)], c(3, 4))

# multiple columns and multiple windows at once
frollmean(d, c(3, 4))

## three above are embarrassingly parallel using openmp

The caTools package has very fast rolling mean/min/max/sd and few other functions. I've only worked with runmean and runsd and they are the fastest of any of the other packages mentioned to date.