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Calculating %changes with the By()



I am an inexperienced R user and have been struggling with the By() function and would appreciate your help. The task is simple, I have a longitudinal dataset (How do I declare one?) and need to calculate different metrics by ID. One of the the metrics is a simple percent change (that requires a lag, example below):

 ID         Date          Temp        %Change
 AAA    1/1/2003    0.749881714 NA
 AAA    1/2/2003    0.666661576 -0.110977687
 AAA    1/3/2003    0.773079935 0.159628759
 AAA    1/4/2003    0.62902364  -0.186340751
 AAA    1/5/2003    0.733312374 0.165794619
 BBB    1/1/2003    0.707339766 NA
 BBB    1/2/2003    0.764986529 0.081497982
 BBB    1/3/2003    0.662201467 -0.134361925
 BBB    1/4/2003    0.774451765 0.169510798  
 BBB    1/5/2003    0.50829093  -0.343676453
 CCC    1/1/2003    0.836836215 NA
 CCC    1/2/2003    0.837136823 0.00035922
 CCC    1/3/2003    0.809016624 -0.033590924
 CCC    1/4/2003    0.690277509 -0.146769685
 CCC    1/5/2003    0.796357069 0.153676686

Intuitively I understand the use of By(), but haven't been able to produce the correct result (%Change) using a data.frame that contains $ID, $Date, and $Temp. Any suggestions in how to achieve the desired %Change would be greatly appreciated.

like image 757
Mateo Avatar asked Jun 28 '11 18:06


People also ask

How do you calculate a 5% increase?

Divide the number you wish to add 5% to by 100. Multiply this new number by 5. Add the product of the multiplication to your original number.

How do I calculate percentage difference?

Percentage Difference Formula The percentage difference between two values is calculated by dividing the absolute value of the difference between two numbers by the average of those two numbers. Multiplying the result by 100 will yield the solution in percent, rather than decimal form.

How do I calculate percentage change in percentage?

First: work out the difference (increase) between the two numbers you are comparing. Then: divide the increase by the original number and multiply the answer by 100. % increase = Increase ÷ Original Number × 100. If your answer is a negative number, then this is a percentage decrease.

2 Answers

You can use a combination of plyr to handle the group by operation on ID and quantmod has a function for the percentage change named Delt.


> ddply(dat, "ID", transform,  DeltaCol = Delt(Temp))
    ID     Date      Temp    X.Change Delt.1.arithmetic
1  AAA 1/1/2003 0.7498817          NA                NA
2  AAA 1/2/2003 0.6666616 -0.11097769     -0.1109776868
3  AAA 1/3/2003 0.7730799  0.15962876      0.1596287574
4  AAA 1/4/2003 0.6290236 -0.18634075     -0.1863407501
5  AAA 1/5/2003 0.7333124  0.16579462      0.1657946178
6  BBB 1/1/2003 0.7073398          NA                NA
7  BBB 1/2/2003 0.7649865  0.08149798      0.0814979813
8  BBB 1/3/2003 0.6622015 -0.13436192     -0.1343619242
9  BBB 1/4/2003 0.7744518  0.16951080      0.1695107963
10 BBB 1/5/2003 0.5082909 -0.34367645     -0.3436764522
11 CCC 1/1/2003 0.8368362          NA                NA
12 CCC 1/2/2003 0.8371368  0.00035922      0.0003592196
13 CCC 1/3/2003 0.8090166 -0.03359092     -0.0335909235
14 CCC 1/4/2003 0.6902775 -0.14676969     -0.1467696849
15 CCC 1/5/2003 0.7963571  0.15367669      0.1536766860

Alternatively, you can skip the plyr bit, calculate the Delta for the entire data.frame and then update the first row for each ID. There are lots of good ideas about selecting the first row of a data.frame based off of an identifier here. Something like this would probably work:

dat$Delta <- Delt(dat$Temp)
dat[ diff(c(0,dat$ID)) != 0, 5] <- NA

On a related note, if anyone can explain why Delta doesn't seem to accept my plea to give it a reasonable column name, I'd appreciate it.

like image 182
Chase Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10


Since the OP specifically asked about using by() I thought I'd provide an answer the illustrates it's use.

First you write a function that acts on each 'piece' of the data frame:

myFun <- function(x){
n <- nrow(x)
x$Change <- c(NA,diff(x$Temp) / head(x$Temp,n-1))

I've used the base functions diff to calculate the sequential differences in Temp and then since the resulting vector has length n-1, we use head to divide the the differences by all but the last Temp value. (I did this just to work head in since it's handy; there are lots of other ways to do that).

Then the by call:


If you want to put all the pieces back together again, we can use do.call and rbind:

like image 40
joran Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
