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Calculate "v^T A v" for a matrix of vectors v



I have a k*n matrix X, and an k*k matrix A. For each column of X, I'd like to calculate the scalar

X[:, i].T.dot(A).dot(X[:, i])

(or, mathematically, Xi' * A * Xi).

Currently, I have a for loop:

out = np.empty((n,))
for i in xrange(n):
    out[i] = X[:, i].T.dot(A).dot(X[:, i])

but since n is large, I'd like to do this faster if possible (i.e. using some NumPy functions instead of a loop).

like image 293
nneonneo Avatar asked Aug 30 '13 21:08


2 Answers

This seems to do it nicely: (X.T.dot(A)*X.T).sum(axis=1)

Edit: This is a little faster. np.einsum('...i,...i->...', X.T.dot(A), X.T). Both work better if X and A are Fortran contiguous.

like image 157
IanH Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11


You can use the numpy.einsum:


This will get the same result. Let's see if it is much faster:

enter image description here

Looks like dot is still the fastest option, particularly because it uses threaded BLAS, as opposed to einsum which runs on one core.

import perfplot
import numpy as np

def setup(n):
    k = n
    x = np.random.random((k, n))
    A = np.random.random((k, k))
    return x, A

def loop(data):
    x, A = data
    n = x.shape[1]
    out = np.empty(n)
    for i in range(n):
        out[i] = x[:, i].T.dot(A).dot(x[:, i])
    return out

def einsum(data):
    x, A = data
    return np.einsum('ji,jk,ki->i', x, A, x)

def dot(data):
    x, A = data
    return (x.T.dot(A)*x.T).sum(axis=1)

    kernels=[loop, einsum, dot],
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(10)],
    xlabel='n, k'
like image 27
Saullo G. P. Castro Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11

Saullo G. P. Castro