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removing loops with numpy.einsum

I have a some nested loops (three total) where I'm trying to use numpy.einsum to speed up the calculations, but I'm struggling to get the notation correct. I managed to get rid of one loop, but I can't figure out the other two. Here's what I've got so far:

import numpy as np
import time

def myfunc(r, q, f):
    nr = r.shape[0]
    nq = q.shape[0]
    y = np.zeros(nq)
    for ri in range(nr):
        for qi in range(nq):
            y[qi] += np.einsum('i,i',f[ri,qi]*f[:,qi],np.sinc(q[qi]*r[ri,:]/np.pi))
    return y

r = np.random.random(size=(1000,1000))
q = np.linspace(0,1,1001)
f = np.random.random(size=(r.shape[0],q.shape[0]))

start = time.time()
y = myfunc(r, q, f)
end = time.time()


While this was much faster than the original, this is still too slow, and takes about 30 seconds. Note the original without the einsum call was the following (which looks like it will take ~2.5 hours, didn't wait to find out for sure):

def myfunc(r, q, f):
    nr = r.shape[0]
    nq = q.shape[0]
    y = np.zeros(nq)
    for ri in range(nr):
        for rj in range(nr):
            for qi in range(nq):
                y[qi] += f[ri,qi]*f[rj,qi]*np.sinc(q[qi]*r[ri,rj]/np.pi))
    return y

Does anyone know how to get rid of these loops with an einsum, or any other tool for that matter?

like image 611
tomerg Avatar asked Oct 06 '20 03:10


2 Answers

Your function seems to be equivalent to the following:

# this is so called broadcasting
s = np.sinc(q * r[...,None]/np.pi)


Which took about 20 seconds on my system, with most of the time to allocate s.

Let's test it for a small sample:

r = np.random.random(size=(10,10))
q = np.linspace(0,1,1001)
f = np.random.random(size=(r.shape[0],q.shape[0]))
(np.abs(np.einsum('iq,jq,ijq->q',f,f,s) - myfunc(r,q,f)) < 1e-6).all()
# True

Since np.sinc is not a linear operator, I'm not quite sure how we can further reduce the run time.

like image 186
Quang Hoang Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10

Quang Hoang

That sinc is the actual bottleneck, as also mentioned in @Quang Hoang's post. We will make use of the einsum expression from there to end up with one way like so -

Now, from docs, numpy.sinc(x) is : \sin(\pi x)/(\pi x). We will make use of it -

v = q*r[...,None]
p = np.sin(v)/v
mask = (q==0) | (r==0)[...,None]
p[mask] = 1
out = np.einsum('iq,jq,ijq->q',f,f,p)

Also, for large data, we can leverage multi-cores with numexpr, like so -

import numexpr as ne

p = ne.evaluate('sin(q*r3D)/(q*r3D)', {'r3D':r[...,None]})
mask = (q==0) | (r==0)[...,None]
p[mask] = 1
out = np.einsum('iq,jq,ijq->q',f,f,p)

Timings with 500 length arrays -

In [12]: r = np.random.random(size=(500,500))
    ...: q = np.linspace(0,1,501)
    ...: f = np.random.random(size=(r.shape[0],q.shape[0]))

# Original soln with einsum
In [15]: %%timeit
    ...: nr = r.shape[0]
    ...: nq = q.shape[0]
    ...: y = np.zeros(nq)
    ...: for ri in range(nr):
    ...:     for qi in range(nq):
    ...:         y[qi] += np.einsum('i,i',f[ri,qi]*f[:,qi],np.sinc(q[qi]*r[ri,:]/np.pi))
9.75 s ± 977 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

# @Quang Hoang's soln
In [16]: %%timeit
    ...: s = np.sinc(q * r[...,None]/np.pi)
    ...: np.einsum('iq,jq,ijq->q',f,f,s)
2.75 s ± 7.82 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [17]: %%timeit
    ...: p = ne.evaluate('sin(q3D*r)/(q3D*r)', {'q3D':q[:,None,None]})
    ...: mask = (q==0)[:,None,None] | (r==0)
    ...: p[mask] = 1
    ...: out = np.einsum('iq,jq,qij->q',f,f,p)
1.39 s ± 23.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [18]: %%timeit
    ...: v = q*r[...,None]
    ...: p = np.sin(v)/v
    ...: mask = (q==0) | (r==0)[...,None]
    ...: p[mask] = 1
    ...: out = np.einsum('iq,jq,ijq->q',f,f,p)
2.11 s ± 7.42 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

With larger data, we expect numexpr one to perform better, as long as we don't run into out-of-memory cases.

like image 20
Divakar Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10
