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Calculate residual deviance from scikit-learn logistic regression model

Is there any way to calculate residual deviance of a scikit-learn logistic regression model? This is a standard output from R model summaries, but I couldn't find it any of sklearn's documentation.

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Max Ghenis Avatar asked Jun 21 '18 18:06

Max Ghenis

People also ask

How do you calculate deviance in logistic regression?

Instead of sum of squares, logistic regression uses deviance: DEV(μ|Y)=−2logL(μ|Y)+2logL(Y|Y) where μ is a location estimator for Y.

How do you find the residual in logistic regression?

8.7 Assessing logistic model fit In logistic regression, as with linear regression, the residuals can be defined as observed minus expected values. The data are discrete and so are the residuals. As a result, plots of raw residuals from logistic regression are generally not useful.

How is residual deviance calculated?

Deviance residualsD(y,ˆμ)=2(log(p(y∣ˆθs))−log(p(y∣ˆθ0))). ˆθs and ˆθ0 are the parameters of the fitted saturated and proposed models, respectively. A saturated model has as many parameters as it has training points, that is, p=n.

What is residual deviance in logistic regression?

The residual deviance shows how well the response is predicted by the model when the predictors are included. From your example, it can be seen that the deviance goes up by 3443.3 when 22 predictor variables are added (note: degrees of freedom = no. of observations – no. of predictors) .

1 Answers

  1. As suggested by @russell-richie, it should be model.predict_proba
  2. Don't forget the argument normalize=False in function metrics.log_loss() to return the sum of the per-sample losses.

So to complete @ingo's answer, to obtain the model deviance with sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression, you can compute:

def deviance(X, y, model):
    return 2*metrics.log_loss(y, model.predict_proba(X), normalize=False)
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Ghislain Vieilledent Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09

Ghislain Vieilledent