Hi i'm trying to figure out how to calculate the inverse of a quaternion. A code example would be awesome.
See Wikipedia article for the entire Quaternion math.
Don't know what language you want to use but I'll try to give some hints in Haskell.
data Quaternion = Q Double Double Double Double deriving (Show, Eq)
First, you need to implement multiplication and addition of quaternions.
instance Num Quaternion where
(+) = q_plus
(*) = q_mult
q_plus (Q a b c d) (Q a' b' c' d') = Q (a + a') (b + b') (c + c') (d + d')
q_mult (Q a b c d) (Q a' b' c' d') = Q a'' b'' c'' d''
a'' = a * a' - b * b' - c * c' - d * d'
b'' = a * b' + b * a' + c * d' - d * c'
c'' = a * c' - b * d' + c * a' + d * b'
d'' = a * d' + b * c' - c * b' + d * a'
Multiplication with scalar should be done via a conversion:
scalar_to_q a = Q a 0 0 0
i = Q 0 1 0 0
j = Q 0 0 1 0
k = Q 0 0 0 1
Then implement the conjugate and modulus:
q_conjugate q = (scalar_to_q (negate .5)) * (q + i * q * i + j * q * j + k * q * k)
q_modulus q = sqrt $ q * (q_conjugate q)
Now, the inverse:
q_inverse q = (q_conjugate q) * (scalar_to_q (m * m))
m = q_modulus q
Hope it's useful.
PS: the instance definition above will simplify things a little if completed successfully. I let you fill in the gaps.
Look at the Matrix and Quaternion FAQ. There are some code samples as well.
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