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calculate european iban with javascript

I have the german "Bankleitzahl" and the account number, now I would like to calculate the corresponding IBAN with javascript, so I don't have to enter my banking-data on an untrustworthy website.

How would I calculate this with javascript on my own client?

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rubo77 Avatar asked Jun 19 '13 17:06


2 Answers

I have found a project in github https://github.com/arhs/iban.js that make checking of IBAN a very easy stuff.

Is something like:

<script src="iban.js"></script>
    // the API is now accessible from the window.IBAN global object
    IBAN.isValid('hello world'); // false
    IBAN.isValid('BE68539007547034'); // true

Is licensed under the MIT license so you can check how it do the validation and try to use it to generate your IBAN.

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PhoneixS Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10


So, if you want to reconstruct the IBAN code using the different old-style national components at hand, you can use the Wikipedia article as a base. Specifically, a german IBAN is built up as follows:

DEkk bbbb bbbb cccc cccc cc


  • kk is the check code
  • bbbbbbbb is the BLZ
  • cccccccccc is the account number

Note: the exact format is country-dependent, the example above is for Germany

Tom's Cafe offers a full JavasScript implementation you can use in your own application, because the check sum calculation is not trivial.

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fvu Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10
