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Calculate cumulative product based on date by category




I want to add a new column to my data.table containing the cumulative product of Data1 based on the Date. The cumulative product should be calculated for each category (Cat) and should start with the latest available Date.

Sample data:

     DF = data.frame(Cat=rep(c("A","B"),each=4), Date=rep(c("01-08-2013","01-07-2013","01-04-2013","01-03-2013"),2), Data1=c(1:8))
     DF$Date = as.Date(DF$Date , "%m-%d-%Y")
     DT = data.table(DF)
     DT[ , Data1_cum:=NA_real_]

        Cat      Date Data1 Data1_cum
     1:  A 2013-01-08     1    NA
     2:  A 2013-01-07     2    NA
     3:  A 2013-01-04     3    NA
     4:  A 2013-01-03     4    NA
     5:  B 2013-01-08     5    NA
     6:  B 2013-01-07     6    NA
     7:  B 2013-01-04     7    NA
     8:  B 2013-01-03     8    NA

The result should look like this:

        Cat      Date Data1 Data1_cum
     1:  A 2013-01-08     1    1
     2:  A 2013-01-07     2    2
     3:  A 2013-01-04     3    6
     4:  A 2013-01-03     4    24
     5:  B 2013-01-08     5    5
     6:  B 2013-01-07     6    30
     7:  B 2013-01-04     7    210
     8:  B 2013-01-03     8    1680

I figured out that I could do something similar using cumprod(), but I do not know how to handle the categories. NAs in Data1 should be ignored / treated as 1. The real dataset has about 8 million rows and 1000 categories.

like image 544
Cake Avatar asked Oct 21 '22 10:10


1 Answers

If the only looksissue is the ordering...

DT[order(Date, decreasing=TRUE), Data1_cum := cumprod(Data1), by=Cat]
   Cat       Date Data1 Data1_cum
1:   A 2013-01-08     1         1
2:   A 2013-01-07     2         2
3:   A 2013-01-04     3         6
4:   A 2013-01-03     4        24
5:   B 2013-01-08     5         5
6:   B 2013-01-07     6        30
7:   B 2013-01-04     7       210
8:   B 2013-01-03     8      1680

However, if you have NA's to deal with, then there is a few extra steps:

Note: If you shuffle the order of the rows, your results can vary. Careful with how you implement the order(.) command

  ## Let's add some NA values
  DT <- rbind(DT, DT)
  DT[c(2, 6, 11, 15), Data1 := NA]

  # shuffle the rows, to make sure this is right
  DT <- DT[sample(nrow(DT))]

Assigning the cumulative product:

Leaving NA's

## If you want to leave the NA's as NA's in the cum prod, use: 
DT[ , Data1_cum := NA_real_ ]
DT[ intersect(order(Date, decreasing=TRUE), which(!is.na(Data1))) 
      , Data1_cum := cumprod(Data1)
      , by=Cat]

# View the data, orderly
DT[order(Date, decreasing=TRUE)][order(Cat)]

     Cat       Date Data1 Data1_cum
  1:   A 2013-01-08     1         1
  2:   A 2013-01-08     1         1
  3:   A 2013-01-07     2         2
  4:   A 2013-01-07    NA        NA  <~~~~~~~  Note that the NA rows have the value of the prev row     
  5:   A 2013-01-04     3         6
  6:   A 2013-01-04    NA        NA  <~~~~~~~  Note that the NA rows have the value of the prev row
  7:   A 2013-01-03     4        24
  8:   A 2013-01-03     4        96
  9:   B 2013-01-08     5         5  
 10:   B 2013-01-08     5        25
 11:   B 2013-01-07     6       150
 12:   B 2013-01-07    NA        NA  <~~~~~~~  Note that the NA rows have the value of the prev row  
 13:   B 2013-01-04     7      1050
 14:   B 2013-01-04    NA        NA  <~~~~~~~  Note that the NA rows have the value of the prev row    
 15:   B 2013-01-03     8      8400
 16:   B 2013-01-03     8     67200

Replacing NA's with value of previous Row

## If instead you want to treat the NA's as 1, use: 
DT[order(Date, decreasing=TRUE), Data1_cum := {Data1[is.na(Data1)] <- 1;  cumprod(Data1 [order(Date, decreasing=TRUE)] )}, by=Cat]

# View the data, orderly
DT[order(Date, decreasing=TRUE)][order(Cat)]

    Cat       Date Data1 Data1_cum
 1:   A 2013-01-08     1         1
 2:   A 2013-01-08     1         1
 3:   A 2013-01-07     2         2
 4:   A 2013-01-07    NA         2   <~~~~~~~ Rows with NA took on values of the previous Row
 5:   A 2013-01-04     3         6
 6:   A 2013-01-04    NA         6   <~~~~~~~ Rows with NA took on values of the previous Row
 7:   A 2013-01-03     4        24
 8:   A 2013-01-03     4        96
 9:   B 2013-01-08     5         5
10:   B 2013-01-08     5        25
11:   B 2013-01-07     6       150
12:   B 2013-01-07    NA       150   <~~~~~~~ Rows with NA took on values of the previous Row
13:   B 2013-01-04     7      1050
14:   B 2013-01-04    NA      1050   <~~~~~~~ Rows with NA took on values of the previous Row
15:   B 2013-01-03     8      8400
16:   B 2013-01-03     8     67200

Alternatively, If you already have the cumulative product and simply want to remove the NA's you can do so as follows:

# fix the NA's with the previous value
DT[order(Date, decreasing=TRUE),
      Data1_cum := {tmp <- c(0, head(Data1_cum, -1));  
      Data1_cum[is.na(Data1_cum)] <- tmp[is.na(Data1_cum)]; 
      Data1_cum }
      , by=Cat ]
like image 116
Ricardo Saporta Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

Ricardo Saporta