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C++20 Template Template Concept Syntax

With concepts, C++20 provides nice syntax like

template<typename T>
concept SomeConcept = true; // stuff here

template<typename T>
requires SomeConcept<T>
class Foo;

template<SomeConcept T>
class Foo;

where the two ways of concept restricting the class are equivalent, but the latter is just more concise.

If i now have some template template concept like

template<template<typename> typename T>
concept SomeOtherConcept = true; // stuff here

template<template<typename> typename T>
requires SomeOtherConcept<T>
class Foo;

i do not know the non-verbose (concise / short) syntax for this without an requirement clause, as things like

template<template<typename> SomeotherConcept T>
class Foo;

template<template<SomeOtherConcept> typename T>
class Foo;

did not work, so

What is the correct syntax for declaring such a template template class with a concept restriction to the template template parameter?

like image 937
Maximilian Keßler Avatar asked Jul 03 '21 16:07

Maximilian Keßler

People also ask

What is the syntax of class template?

What is the syntax of class template? Explanation: Syntax involves template keyword followed by list of parameters in angular brackets and then class declaration. As follows template <paramaters> class declaration; 2.

What is the template concept?

A template is a blueprint or formula for creating a generic class or a function. The library containers like iterators and algorithms are examples of generic programming and have been developed using template concept.

What is a template argument C++?

In C++ this can be achieved using template parameters. A template parameter is a special kind of parameter that can be used to pass a type as argument: just like regular function parameters can be used to pass values to a function, template parameters allow to pass also types to a function.

Why do we use :: template template parameter?

8. Why we use :: template-template parameter? Explanation: It is used to adapt a policy into binary ones.

2 Answers

What is the correct syntax for declaring such a template template class with a concept restriction to the template template parameter?

The only way to write a constraint that depends on a template template parameter or a non-type template parameter is with a requires-clause. The shorter type-constraint syntax is only available for concepts that constrain types (hence the name type-constraint):

template <typename T> concept Type = true;
template <template <typename...> class Z> concept Template = true;
template <auto V> concept Value = true;

// requires-clause always works
template <typename T> requires Type<T> struct A { };
template <template <typename...> class Z> requires Template<Z> struct B { };
template <auto V> requires Value<V> struct C { };

// type-constraint only for type concepts
template <Type T> struct D { };

// abbreviated function template definitely only for type concepts
void e(Type auto x);
like image 72
Barry Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10


This is a trick that I have used before.

Define a lambda in the primary expression using a noop-like function as shown:

void noop(auto) {}


template<typename T>
concept SomeConcept = true;

template <template<typename>SomeConcept T>
struct Example {};
*/ //does not work

template <template<typename>typename T>
  requires requires() {
        []<typename TArg> requires SomeConcept<typename T<TArg>> (){}
struct Example {};
like image 26
Vye Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 20:10
